
(八) 打乱汉字组码规律,夺取汉字灵魂. to upset the Chinese character group code, to seize the soul of Chinese characters.

(八) 打乱汉字组码规律,夺取汉字灵魂.

1 云字,甲骨文的组合就是"云",上面的雨是后来加的,目的是为了与雹\雾等字的符号相一致,那是画蛇天足,简化字回到甲骨文的质朴简洁,非常正确.
2 电字,甲骨文的组合就是"电",中间长线条是闪电,两边是指闪电亮光的范围.
3 党字,甲骨文时代(奴隶制时代)没有这个字,是进入封建社会后,朝庭内部发生党争(宦党\奸党\朋党),才造了党字,上是尚,下是黑,意思是无论宦党\奸党\朋党,都是搞的黑箱操作,尚黑为党.近代\现代的社会,组建政党是名正言顺的事,而且多数国家的政党往往分为对立的两大部份:执政党---在野党,民主党---共和党,国家党---劳工党,国民党---共产党.简化字去"黑"为"口",下边再以对立的两笔表示分野.这既适应社会的变化,又好书写,好理解.
   但是,相比之下汉字的简化,确属" 得小于失""得不偿失"'.主要的失误就在于打乱汉字组码规律,夺取汉字灵魂.下面我举100个例子,让大家来加以评判:

(8) to upset the Chinese character group code, to seize the soul of Chinese characters.

   Any thing is divided into two, doing something gains and losses in the end is greater than the loss, or more harm than good, which requires a specific analysis.
   Simplification of Chinese characters is also true, it has results, there is a certain effect, but also part of the simplification of Chinese characters is also successful.
1 cloud word, Oracle is the combination of "cloud", the above rain is later added, the purpose is to hail \ fog and other words of the symbol is consistent, it is a snake Tianzu, simplified characters back to Oracle's simple simplicity, Very correct.
2 word, the combination of Oracle is "electricity", the middle is a long line of lightning, lightning flash on both sides refers to the scope.
Rain is added later, the purpose is to hail \ fog and other words of the symbol is consistent, it is a snake-foot, simplified word back to the simple simplicity of Oracle, is also very correct
3 party words, the Oracle era (the era of slavery) is not the word, is to enter the feudal society, the court within the party dispute (Huan party \ rape party \ friends party), was made party, Shang is, Meaning that regardless of the party \ rape party \ friends party, are engaged in black-box operation, still black for the party. Modern \ modern society, the formation of political parties is justifiably true, and most of the political parties are often divided into two parts of the opposite : The ruling party - the opposition party, the Democratic Party - the Republican Party, the National Party - the Labor Party, the KMT - the Communist Party, simplified words to "black" as the "mouth", below the opposing two pen. This not only adapt to social changes, and good writing, good understanding.
Of course, simplified words can also cite a lot of good, not one by one here for example.
   However, compared to the simplification of Chinese characters, it is "less than the loss", "not worth the candle." 'The main mistake is to upset the Chinese character group code law, to seize the soul of Chinese characters below I give 100 examples, so that we can be judged :

1 爱无心.心爱变友爱.
 [愛]Ⅰ ()  love  like; be fond of; be keen on be apt to; be in the habit of cherish; hold dear; take good care of; treasure() affection
  2 聪无囟.缺了脑髓怎聪明?
     聪是形声字。心、耳为形符;囱为声符(也指大脑)。《说文》注:“察也。从耳,声。”聪   义为听而能审是非真假,即听觉敏锐。引申聪明。
 [] () bright; intelligent
  3 礼无礼(丰,是祭祀的礼物),好像札(捆物之绳).
 [] ()  ceremony; rite  courtesy; etiquette; manners  gift; present
4   义无我,无善意,若刈割,在田里.
 []()  justice; righteousness  human relationship  meaning; significance () adopted; adoptive
   甲骨文象二人相对徒手搏斗之形。《说文》有二注:① “两士相对,兵杖在后,象斗之形。”②“遇也。从门,断声。”斗义为争斗。引申奋斗、战斗、竞争、斗争等。又一义为遇合、拼合。斗接的斗不应是逗接,也不是斗接,正确用法应该是接。作名词,指门
 [鬥、鬦] ()  fight; tussle  struggle against  contest with; contend with  fit together

(8) upset the Chinese character group code, to seize the soul of Chinese characters. (One)

  Love does not change.
Love is knowing the word. Two feet on behalf of two people, surrounded by a heart, said the two love each other. "Said the text" Note: "Hui also from the heart, sound." Love for the love of love, that is, people love each other.
Be keen on be be to; be in the habit of ④ cherish; hold dear; take good care of; treasure Ⅱ (affection)
  2 Cong no skull. How smart brain missing?
   Cong Cong is the phonetic word. Heart, ear for the character; chimney for the sound symbol (also refers to the brain). "Said the text" Note: "The police also. From the ears, the sound." Cong Yi for hearing and can not judge true and false, that is, acute hearing acuity. Extended smart.
Cong (Cong) bright; intelligent
  3 ritual (abundance, is a gift of worship), like Sapporo (bundle of things rope).
The sacrificial rites of the sacrificial rituals of the sacrificial rituals of the sacrificial To jade worship, indicating heart sincere and courteous, so worship the gods only thing that the ceremony. Ritual of the device known as ritual. "Said the text" Note: "Lu also. So things bless God." Fulfillment of the ceremony, after the general refers to the gods, ancestors, elders, honored guests or memorial ceremony. Rites as the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics in Ancient China. Gift items also show respect for the meaning, it is called a gift.
Rite [rites] (名) ① ceremony; rite ② courtesy; etiquette; manners ③ gift; present
4 Righteousness, without goodness, if it is cut, in the field.
Yi oracle bones in order to decorate the sheep for the three-Ge-shaped. From the I, from the sheep. "Xu Xuan Note:" This agree with the good, so from the sheep. "Righteousness of the name of the weapons for the name of the word. By means of majestic, also refers to justice. I said, sheep that good. Justice, justice, meaning, meaning, emotional and so on. Meaning means conducive to the public moral, but also refers to the ethical and moral relationships. Wei-yi is used as "instrument" word.
Righteousness ② human relationship ③ meaning; significance Ⅱ (adopted) adopted; adoptive
5 bucket (bucket) no one, no hands, no struggle, no momentum --- verb mixed nouns.
Fighting as the two fighting the shape of the hand fighting. "Said the text" There are two Note: ① "The two relative, the stick in the post, like the shape of a bucket." ② "Meet also from the door, breaking sound. Struggle, competition, struggle, and so on. Another meaning for the event together, put together. Bucket connected bucket should not be amused, nor bucket connected, the correct usage should be bucket then. As a noun, refers to the door fighting.

[[,, 鬦] (动) ① fight; tussle ② struggle against ③ contest with; contend with ④ fit together

