
83 “昙”“罎”“壇”“坛”,简化造成混乱,后人只有死记硬背。 84 "昙ttan" "罎earthen jar" "壇altar" "坛altar", to simplify the chaos, only rote learning.

83  “昙”“”“壇”“坛”,简化造成混乱,后人只有死记硬背。
1  昙  昙是会意字。以日被遮会意。徐铉注:“云布也。从日、云,会意。”昙指阴云密布,不见太阳。日在上,下为云,地面不见太阳。音译字昙摩,指佛法。佛经意为难得出现。昙又指匆匆开放之昙花。
 [] () covered with clouds

2  罎   坛是形声字。缶为形符,昙为声符。(坛)指陶制土坛。
 [] (坛子 [tan dsi] () earthen jar

3  壇    坛是形声字。土为形符;亶为声符。《说文》注:“祭场也,从土,亶声。”坛指祭祀场上所筑之土台。后来在坛增设阶陛殿堂。泛指似坛之物,如花坛、神坛、讲坛、政坛等。
 [壇、罎] ( alter  a raised plot of land for planting flowers, etc. platform; forum  circles; world

4  坛   坛是简化字。《说文》注:“祭场也,从土,亶声。”亶字本来就像祭台之形。简化将“”改为“云”,把昙花的“云”(昙花一现,如云飘散)取代祭台的“”。结果弄巧反拙。

84 "昙tan" "earthen jar" "altar" "坛altar", to simplify the chaos, only rote learning.
1  Tan Dan is knowing the word. To be covered by the Italian meaning. Xu Xuan Note: "cloud cloth also from the Japanese, cloud, knowing." Tan refers to the clouds, not the sun. Day in the upper and lower for the cloud, the ground not see the sun. Transliteration word Tanmo, referring to Buddhism. Buddhist meaning of rare. Tan also refers to the hastily open Epiphyllum.
Tan [tan] (形) covered with clouds

2  earthen jar is the phonetic word. Fou as a character, Tan for the sound symbol. Altar (altar) refers to the soil altar altar.
Altar [altar] (name) jar [tan dsi] (名) earthen jar

3  Altar is the phonetic word. Soil for the character; 亶 for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "Festival also, from the soil, sound." Altar refers to the sacrificial rites built on the earth. Later in the altar of the altar hall. Refers to the altar of things, such as flower beds, altars, pulpit, politics and so on.
Altar [altar, altar] (名) ① alter ② a raised plot of land for planting flowers, etc. ③ platform; forum ④ circles; world

4  Altar is a simplified word. "Said the text" Note: "Festival also, from the soil, sound." 亶 word originally like the shape of the altar. Simplify the "亶" to "cloud", the epiphyllum "cloud" (short-lived, clouds drift) to replace the altar of the "亶." The result is self-defeating.

