
77 “卜”“补”“蔔(卜)”“扑”,四种密码混一起。草无草,卜指神,补无衣,扑是身。 77“卜”“补”“蔔(卜)”“扑”, four passwords mixed together. Grass without grass, 卜 refers to God, make no clothes, flutter is the body.

77   “卜”“补”“蔔(卜)”“扑”四种密码混一起。草无草,卜指神,补无衣,扑是身。
1  卜   甲骨文象古代在甲骨上烧灼裂纹之形,一直画,一斜画。《说文》注:“灼剥龟也。象炙龟之形。凡卜之属皆从卜。” “卜”是人们企图求问于天神、祖先的一种方式。在古代,人们求问吉凶祸福,希望能与天、地、祖先及一切神灵对话,用“卜”或“占”的形式,以此决定他们的行动方向。殷商的甲骨文档案,大量保存了这种资料。本义指用龟甲占卜。引申选择、推测、预测。
Ⅰ(名) divination; fortunetelling () () foretell; predict  () select; choose

2   扑   扑是形声字。手为形符;菐为声符。《说文》注:“挨也。从手,菐声。”扑指身体前倾伏于(挨于)其他物体之上。引申扑向、击打、敲击、轻打、轻拍等。
 [] ()  dedicate all ones energies to a cause  rush at  flap  bend over

3  蔔  蔔是形声字。草为形符,匐为声符。萝卜的原始种起源于欧、亚温暖海岸的野萝卜,萝卜是世界古老的栽培作物之一。远在4500年前,萝卜已成为埃及的重要食品。萝卜根作蔬菜食用;种子、鲜根、枯根、叶皆入药,

4  补  补是形声字。衣为形符;甫(卜)为声符。《说文》注:“完衣也。从衣,甫声。”   补义为修补衣服,使之完好。引申补养、弥补、充实。作名词指益处、用处。
 [補]( mend, patch; repair  fill; supply; make up for  nourish:()() benefit; use; help

77“卜”“补”“蔔(卜)”“扑”, four passwords mixed together. Grass without grass, 卜 refers to God, make no clothes, flutter is the body.
1 b Oracle as the ancient inscriptions on the burning crack shape, has been painting, a ramp painting. "Said the text" Note: "burning Tortoise also. Like the shape of Sunburn turtle. Where Bu Bu are from the Bu." "Bu" is an attempt to ask the gods, ancestors of a way. In ancient times, people ask good and bad fortune, hoping to heaven, land, ancestors and all the gods dialogue, with "Bu" or "account" in the form, to determine their course of action. Shang Oracle archives, a large number of preserved this information. The original meaning refers to the use of divination. Extended selection, speculation, prediction.
(1) divination; fortunetelling Ⅱ (动) ① (书) foretell; predict ② (书) select; choose

2 flutter is the phonetic word. Hand-shaped character; 菐 for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "endure also from the hand, 菐 sound." Flutter refers to the body forward to bend (on) other objects above. Attempted to hit, hit, percussion, tapping, tapping and so on.

Flutter [flutter] (动) ① dedicate all one's energies to a cause ② rush at ③ flap ④ bend over

3 Bu Bu is the phonetic word. Grass for the character, vowel for the sound symbol. Radish of the original species originated in Europe, sub-warm coastal wild radish, radish is one of the world's oldest cultivated crops. As far as 4500 years ago, radish has become an important food in Egypt. Radish roots for vegetable consumption; seeds, fresh root, dry roots, leaves are medicine,

4 Patch is the phonetic word. Clothing for the character; Fu (Bu) for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "End clothing also from the clothing, just sound." Mending for the repair clothes, so intact. Extended nourishing, make up, enrich. The term refers to the benefits, usefulness.

Make up for ③ nourish: Ⅱ (name) (book) benefit; use; help (1) mend, patch;

