
91 “贲”“墳”“愤”“喷”“濆” 贲指墳莹下埋藏有玉器珠宝。 45 "Ben" "grave" "angry" and "spray" "濆." Ben on the word is composed of three grass symbol, said the depth of the grave grass Ying. Under the "shellfish", refers to the burial under the grave Ying jade jewelry.

91  “贲”“墳”“愤”“喷”“濆”。贲字上是由三个草符组成,表示墳莹草深之状。下为“贝”,指墳莹下埋藏有玉器珠宝。

1  贲    贲贲淖遗址,位于中国河北省张家口市贲贲淖村,为张家口市尚义县的一个省级文物保护单位,类型为古遗址,公布时间为1993年7月15日。
贲 (名)grave; tomb

2  墳   坟是形声字,也是会意字。土为形符;贲为声符,也是形符。贲字上是由三个草符组成,表示墳莹草深之状,下为“贝”,指墳莹下埋藏有玉器珠宝。《说文》注:“墓也。从土,贲声。”古时有封土者称坟,无封土者称墓。铺敦淮濆”——《诗·大雅·常武》。按,与坟略同。成然成者濆,人为之者坟。
 [] () grave; tomb

3  愤   愤是形声字。心为形符;贲为声符。《说文》注:“懑也。从心,贲声。”愤是心烦、烦闷,郁结于心。引申气愤、愤慨、愤发等。
 [] () anger; indignation

4  喷   喷是形声字。欠(或口)为形符;贲为声符。《说文》有二注: 1“吹气也。从欠,贲声。”2“吒也。从口,贲声。一曰鼓鼻。”喷指向外吹气,又指大声斥骂,也指气体、液体或粉末受到一定压力而向外喷射。
 [] 喷香 [pen shiang] () fragrant; delicious

5  濆   濆为会意字。(1) 水波涌起 [surge]。如:濆沸(水腾涌貌);濆涌(翻腾汹涌);濆旋,濆漩(水势汹涌,水流回旋);濆濞(水势汹涌澎湃);濆瀑(波浪涌起貌)(2) 喷射;喷涌 [spurt]

(3) 又如:濆泉(地下喷出的泉水);濆衍(溢出、漫衍之水);濆发(涌出);濆激(喷涌冲击)。地下黄泉,指的就是墳墓。
濆    (动)pēn    surge  spurt

45 "Ben" "grave" "angry" and "spray" "濆." Ben on the word is composed of three grass symbol, said the depth of the grave grass Ying. Under the "shellfish", refers to the burial under the grave Ying jade jewelry.

1 Ben Benbenao Site, located in Benbenao Village, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China. It is a provincial heritage conservation unit of Shangyi County in Zhangjiakou City. It is an ancient site and its publication date is July 15, 1993.
Ben Benao ruins of the historical era for the Neolithic Age.
Ruins buried jade jewelry, so to that Ben. Ben is the tomb of the original word. "Poetry Taiga Chang Wu": "press, and the grave with the same." Of course, as adults who, who are the tomb.
Ben  grave; tomb

2 grave is a phonetic word, but also knowing the word. Soil for the character; Ben for the sound symbol, but also the shape character. Ben word is composed of three grass symbol, said grave Yingcao deep like, under the "shellfish", refers to the grave Ying buried under jade jewelry. "Said the text" Note: "the tomb is also from the soil, Ben sound." In ancient times there are those who called the grave mulch, "Shop Dunhuai 濆" - "Poetry Taiga Chang Wu." Press, and the grave slightly the same. Cheng Ran into those who, whom the grave.
Grave (also: grave)

3 anger is the phonetic word. Heart for the character; Ben for the sound. "Note": "melancholy also from the heart, Ben sound." Anger is upset, bored, stagnation in the heart. Extended anger, indignation, anger and so on.
Indignation indignation n

4 spray is phonetic characters. Owe (or mouth) for the character; Ben for the sound symbol. "Said the text" has two Note: 1 "blowing also. From the less, Ben sound." 2 "upbraid also from the mouth, the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of a sound. Refers to the gas, liquid or powder subject to a certain pressure and outward spray.
Spray (ibid.) Here specifically refers to the fragrance.
Spray [spray] Fragrance [pen shiang] (shape) fragrant; delicious

5 濆 濆 for knowing word. (1) Surging water [surge]. Such as: Bo boiling (water Tengchong appearance); Chung Chung (churning turbulent); 濆 spin, 濆 swirling (water potential turbulent, water roundabout); 濆bi (water surging); 濆 waterfall (wave surge appearance) ) Spray; spewing [spurt]
Defeated Jushi Yu Quan. - "Gongzhang Zhao Gong five years." Biography: "Ho spring who, straight spring also." What are straight springs, Yongquan also.
(3) Another example: 濆 spring (underground spray of spring water); 濆 Yan (overflow, distribution of water); 濆 hair (emission); Underground springs, refers to the grave.
濆 (动) pēn surge spurt

1 条评论:

  1. "墳-壇-塔"這字原是英文tomb to tow_er,----巴別塔時天下人的口音都一樣_聖經
