
50 “尝”,尚为声符。口是形符,旨指食物味道。用口去感受食物味道,就叫“嘗”。 50 "taste", is still a symbol. Mouth is a character, intended to mean food taste. With the mouth to feel the taste of food, called "taste."

50  “尝”,尚为声符。口是形符,旨指食物味道。用口去感受食物味道,就叫“”。
 [、甞、嚐]() taste; experience () ever

50 "taste", is still a symbol. Mouth is a character, intended to mean food taste. With the mouth to feel the taste of food, called "taste."
Taste is a phonetic word, but also knowing the word. Designed for the character; still a symbol. Mouth is also a character, intended to mean food taste. "Said the text" Note: "The taste is also from the purpose, still sound." Taste of taste to distinguish the taste. Extended experience, experience, feelings. As an adverb is equivalent to "once".

Tasting [to taste, taste, taste]

