
76 “扬”“阳”“疡”“杨”密码错乱。“昜”本义为太阳上升,改为“扬”字,已失“太阳”。“扬”“阳”二字又变符号,更加混乱。

76  “扬”“阳”“疡”“杨”密码错乱。”本义为太阳上升,改为“扬”字,已失“太阳”。“扬”“阳”二字又变符号,更加混乱。

1  扬   甲骨文象太阳上升之形。《说文》注:“飞举也。从手,声。”“开也。从日、一、勿。一曰飞扬。一曰长也。一曰强者众貌。”扬是云开日见。有人说从勿,义为飞扬。有人说为阳,养长万物。还有人说,易为阴阳正字,阳有强感众多之义。本义扬起、飞扬。引申举起、升起、上扬、簸扬。又引申颂扬、传扬。作地名,指扬州。明代有“扬州八怪”,是中国书画之奇才
 [揚、颺] ()  raise spread; make known

2  阳   甲骨文象太阳高升照耀大地之形。《说文》注:“高明也。从阜,昜声。阳指天空高朗明亮,又指日光、太阳。凡日光照耀之处皆曰阳。阳与“阴”相对。引申阳性、阳世、阳气、元阳等。作形容词,形容表面、显露、凸起等。
 []() the sun ()  open; overt  belonging to this world  positive

3  疡   疡是形声字。病为形符;昜为声符。《说文》注:“头疮也。从病,声。”疡即头疮。泛指皮肤或黏膜溃烂之病。

 [] () sore

4  杨   杨是形声字。木为形符;昜为声符。《说文》注:“木也。从木,声。”杨为杨属植物之统称。常见有白杨、胡杨、响叶杨等。

 [] ()  poplar a surname

76 "扬Yang" "阳Yang" "ulcer" "杨Yang" password disorder. "昜" the original meaning of the sun rises, to "Yang", has lost the "sun." "Yang," "Yang" and the word changed the symbol, more confusion.

A rising oracle bone shaped like a rising sun. "Said the text" Note: "Feiju also from the hand, 昜 sound." "Open also. From the day, one, not. Said a flying. One said long. Said a strong public appearance. Every day. Some people say that from the do not, meaning for the flying. Some people say that Yang, raise everything. Some people say, easy for the yin and yang orthography, Yang has a strong sense of many. The original meaning of raised, flying. Extended lift, rise, rise, winnow. Also extended praise, spread. For place names, referring to Yangzhou. The Ming Dynasty "Yangzhou eight strange", is the Chinese painting of the Wizards.

Yang [Yang, Yang] (moving) ① raise ② spread; make known

2 Yang bones like the sun rising to the earth shape. "Said the text" Note: "Gaoming also from Fu, 昜 sound." Yang refers to the sky high bright bright, but also refers to sunlight, the sun. Where the sun shines are yue yang. Yang and "Yin" relative. Extended positive, Yang Shi, yang, such as Yuanyang. As an adjective, describe the surface, revealed, raised and so on.
Over-the-top (also: the sun);

3 ulcer is a phonetic word. Disease for the character; 昜 for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "head sores. From the disease, sound." Refers to the skin or mucosal ulceration of the disease.

(Also: sore)

4 Yang Yang is the phonetic word. Wood for the character; 昜 for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "Wood also from the wood, 昜 sound." Yang is the genus of the genus. Poplar, poplar, poplar and other common.

Poplar [surname]

