
49 “导”,寸(手)为形符;道为声符。会意以手导引或输导。 49 "guide", inch (hand) for the character; Road for the sound symbol. Hand-guided or guided.

49  “导”,寸(手)为形符;道为声符。会意以手导引或输导。
 []()  lead; guide; divert  transmit; conduct  instruct; teach

49 "guide", inch (hand) for the character; Road for the sound symbol. Hand-guided or guided.
Guidance is a phonetic word, but also knowing the word. Inch (hand) for the character; Road for the sound symbol. Hand-guided or guided. "Said the text" Note: "Guide also. From inch, Road sound." Guide to guide, lead. Extended guidance, guidance, conduction, conduction and so on.

Guide [guide] (movement) ① lead; guide; divert ② transmit; conduct ③ instruct; teach

