
81 “远”“逺”“园”“園”,袁字本指衣緣边,改为“元”字不相干。 81 "far" "逺" "Garden" "園", Yuan word refers to the edge of clothing, to "元" irrelevant.

81  “远”“逺”“园”“園”,袁字本指衣緣边,改为“元”字不相干。
1     甲骨文象圆领之长衣形。《说文》注:“长衣貌。”袁本指园领之衣。后多作姓氏用。
   (名)a surname

 (名、形)  first; primary  chief; principal  basic; fundamental  basic substance or element

2     甲骨文形声字。辵为形符;袁为声符。《说文》注:“辽也。从足,袁声。”远即遥远,距离不近。形容空间或时间之距离长。与“近”相对。借指差距大、不接近、不亲近、不亲密等。 []()  far; distant; remote  (of blood relationship) remote () keep away from

3        园是形声字。口为形符;袁为声符,也是意符。《说文》注:“所以树果也。从口,袁声。”园指种植果树之地方。泛指种植花果、蔬菜、树木之地方。借指游览娱乐或幼童教育之场所,如圆明园、幼儿园等。
 [] ()  a piece of land for growing flowers, vegebables, trees, etc.  a place for public recreation

81 "far" "逺" "Garden" "園", Yuan word refers to the edge of clothing, to "元" irrelevant.
1 yuan a bone like a round neck long clothing shape. "Said the text" Note: "Long clothing appearance." Yuan refers to the park collar clothing. After more than for the surname.
   "Surname" powered by

2 far bone-shaped phonograms. Chuo for the character; Yuan for the sound character. "Said the text" Note: "Liao also from the foot, Yuan Sheng." Far from the distance, not close. Describe the length of space or time. And "near" relative. By means that the gap is large, not close, not close, not close. Distant (distant) Ⅰ (shape) ① far; distant; remote ② (of blood relationship) remote Ⅱ (moving) keep away from

3 Park is a phonetic word. Mouth for the character; Yuan for the sound, but also intended to character. "Said the text" Note: "So the tree fruit also from the mouth, Yuan sound." Park refers to the planting of fruit trees. Refers to the cultivation of flowers and fruits, vegetables, trees place. By means of entertainment or children to visit places of education, such as the Yuanmingyuan, kindergartens and so on.

A piece of land for growing flowers, vegebables, trees, etc. ② a place for public recreation

