
90 “範”“范”,“草”“水”均是流动、上长之物,不可以为范。 90 "範Fan" "范Fan", "grass" "water" are mobile, on the long things, can not be Fan.

90  “範”“范”,“草”“水”均是流动、上长之物,不可以为范。
 [] ()  model; example; pattern  limits

90 "範Fan" "范Fan", "grass" "water" are mobile, on the long things, can not be Fan.
Fan Fan is the phonetic word. Bamboo, car-shaped character; pan for the sound character. "Said the text" Note: ① "Law also from the bamboo, bamboo, Jane book also, Pan-sound. Ancient law has bamboo punishment." Fan Yi for the law. Laws, laws are written on bamboo slips. Ancient law, there are bamboo punishment. Extended scale, program, scope, boundaries, templates and so on. ② "Fan is also from the car, Fan Sheng." Fan Fan for the ancient ritual of the ritual.

 [] ( model; example; pattern  limits

