
47 “观”,甲骨文象睁着大眼睛之猫头鹰形。猫头鹰夜视力特强,眼睛特大。会意谛视、观察。 47 "concept", the oracle-bone with big eyes as the owl-shaped. Owl night vision exceptionally strong, large eyes. Observe, observe.

47  “观”,甲骨文象睁着大眼睛之猫头鹰形。猫头鹰夜视力特强,眼睛特大。会意谛视、观察。
 []() look at; watch; observe ()  sight; view  outlook

47 "concept", the oracle-bone with big eyes as the owl-shaped. Owl night vision exceptionally strong, large eyes. Observe, observe.
View of the oracle-bone with big eyes as the owl-shaped, knowing to wait and see, observe. Owl night vision exceptionally strong, large eyes, so see next to the (head long eyes) for the concept. The original meaning of observation, watch. Also refers to things and the world of knowledge and attitude. As a noun, refers to the spectacle, spectacular and so on.
Watch [view] Ⅰ (动) look at; watch; observe Ⅱ (名) ① sight; view ② outlook

③ concept

