
64 “丝”(包含联、乐、显、断)字简化后,文字系统被打乱。 64 "wire" (including the joint, music, display, off) word simplified, the text system was disrupted.

64  “丝”(包含联、乐、显、断)字简化后,文字系统被打乱。
1  联   甲骨文象耳上饰物联于耳朵之形。《说文》注:“连也。从耳,耳连于颊也。从丝,丝连不绝也。”联义为连接,表示耳与面颊相联。泛指接续不断,彼此结合,彼此交接。联又指对联,以及律诗、骈文中相联之对仗句。作名词,指联盟、联邦、联合体、联席会议等。
 []() unite; join; relate () antithetical couplet

2       甲骨文象以丝木相联之形,会意乐器。《说文》注:“五声八音总名。”乐为各种音乐及乐器之总称。五声指宫、商、角、徵、羽五个音阶。八音指金、石、竹、丝、匏、土、革、木等材料制作之乐器。“乐府”是古代掌管音乐之官署。后来把乐府采集配乐之民歌或文人模仿乐府体材写出之作品,也称作乐府。此字又读le,指欢喜、快乐。
 [] () music

3       甲骨文象阳光照射下两手缫丝之形。会意显著、显现。《说文》注:①“众微杪也。从日中视丝,古文以为显字。”②“显,头明饰也。从页,显声。”显指外露的,明显的,容易发现的。引申显赫、盛大。作动词,指表露。
 []() show; display () obvious; noticeable

4         断是会意字。象以刀截丝之形。《说文》注:“截也。”本义截断、折断。引申隔绝、拦截、戒除。又引申判定、决定、一定、绝对。
 []()  break; snap; cut off; stop  judge; decide ()()[used only in negative sentences] absolutely; decidedly

64 "wire" (including the joint, music, display, off) word simplified, the text system was disrupted.
1 joint bones like ear ear ornaments in the shape of the ear. "Said the text" Note: "even also from the ear, ears, even in the cheek also from the silk, silk is not even." Meaning for the connection, said ear and cheek associated. Refers to the continuous, combined with each other, handover. Also refers to the couplet, as well as the poem, parallel proverb associated with the sentence. As a noun, referring to the Union, the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth, joint meetings.
Join [link] I (动) unite; join; relate Ⅱ (名) antithetical couplet

2 music as a bone in the shape of wood associated with, knowing musical instruments. "Said the text" Note: "five octaves total name." Music for a variety of music and musical instruments in general. Five refers to the palace, business, angle, sign, feather five scales. Eight sound means gold, stone, bamboo, silk, 匏, soil, leather, wood and other materials produced musical instruments. "Yuefu" is the ancient music in charge of the Office. Later, the folk music collection or musicians to imitate the Yuefu body to write the work, also known as Yuefu. This word and read le, that joy, happiness.
Music [music] (name) music

3 oracle bone like the sun reeling under the hands of the shape. Knowing significantly, showing. "Said the text" Note: ① "all micro-tip also. From Japan and China as silk, the ancient text that the show." ② "significant, head Ming decoration also." From the page, pronounced. "Exposed explicit, obvious, easy to find of. Extensive illustrious, grand. As a verb.
Show [show] Ⅰ (dynamic) show; display Ⅱ (shape) obvious; noticeable

4 off is knowing the word. Like a knife cut wire shape. "Said the text" Note: "cut also." The original meaning of cut off, break. Extended isolation, block, quit. Also extended to determine, decide, definitely, absolutely.

Break [off] Ⅰ (动) ① break; snap; cut off; stop ② judge; decide Ⅱ (副) (book) [used only in negative sentences] absolutely;

