
79 “占”“单”“战”“弹”,战指手持武器作战,改为持戈占领或侵占,意思不同。 79 "accounted for" single "" war "" bomb ", refers to the holding of weapons and warfare operations, instead of holding the occupation or occupation of Ge, meaning different.

79 “占”“单”“战”“弹”,战指手持武器作战,改为持戈占领或侵占,意思不同。
1  占   甲骨文象使用龟甲占卜之形。《说文》注:“视兆问也。从卜,从口。”占指根据卜纹判断吉凶。合称占卜。在殷商时代,常是贞人先占,后由殷王判断吉凶。此字又读zhàn。
 () practise divination

2  单   甲骨文“单”象系有石刀之捕猎武器,中部为网或盾,下为手柄。《说文》注:“单,大也。”单义为大,又指单一、单独。借指只、仅、微弱、微薄等。奇数为单,与“双”相对。 []()  one; single  odd ()  separately; singly; alone  only; solely; alone ()  sheet  bill; list

3  战   甲骨文象两戈相交互相击打之形。会意战争。罗振玉认为是战之初字。篆书改用一单一戈表示战。《说文》注:“斗也。从戈,单声。”战义为战斗、作战。单,形似捕兽工具,故战不仅包括人类之战争,亦包含古人对野兽之战斗在内。引申战祸、战乱、战役、战略、战术、战场、战线等。
 []() war; warfare; battle; fight ()  fight  shiver; tremble; shudder

4  弹   甲骨文象以弓发射弹丸之形。《说文》注:“行丸也。从弓,单声。”此处作名词,指弹丸。引申子弹、炮弹、手榴弹、炸弹、原子弹、氢弹等。
 [] ()  ball; pellet  bullet; bomb

79 "accounted for" single "" war "" bomb ", refers to the holding of weapons and warfare operations, instead of holding the occupation or occupation of Ge, meaning different.

1 accounting for the use of divination like the use of tortoise shells. "Said the text" Note: "As the trillion asked also from the BU, from the mouth." Collectively known as divination. In the Shang Dynasty, often Zhenzhen preemptive, after the judge by the Yin and the bad. This word and read zhàn.
Practicing divination

2 single oracle "single" like a stone knife hunting weapons, the central network or shield, the next handle. "Said the text" Note: "single, large also." Single meaning is large, but also refers to a single, separate. By means only, only, weak, meager and so on. Odd for the single, and "double" relative.单词 single (单) Ⅰ (形) ① one; single ② odd Ⅱ (副) ① separately; singly; alone ② alone; solely; alone Ⅲ (名) ① sheet ② bill; list

3 Battlegear bone as the two cross each other hit the shape. Knowing war. Luo Zhenyu that is the beginning of the word war. Seal script to use a single Ge war. "Said the text" Note: "fighting also from Ge, Mono." Battle for the fighting, fighting. Single, the shape of the beast-like tools, war not only includes the war of mankind, also includes the ancients of the beasts of the fighting included. Extended war, war, war, strategy, tactics, battlefield, front and so on.
Battle [war] Ⅰ (name) war; warfare; battle; fight Ⅱ (action) ① fight ② shiver; tremble;

4 missile shells like a bow to launch projectile shape. "Said the text" Note: "line pill also. From the bow, monosyllable." Here as a noun, refers to the projectile. Extended bullets, shells, grenades, bombs, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and so on.
 [] ( ball; pellet  bullet; bomb

