
70 “後”“后”简化后,前後、皇后不易分。 70 "after" "queen" simplified, before and after, the Queen is not easy points.

70  “後”“后”简化后,前後、皇后不易分。
1   後 甲骨文象结绳记事,记录脚步之先后,实际是指示事件发生之先后。《说文》注:“後,迟也。”後义为迟缓、落后,与“先”相对。后又指背面、背后,与“前”相对。后指次序,指靠近末尾的,又指子孙后代。
 [] () (方位)  behind; rear; at the back after; afterwards; later off-spring

2   后  后是会意字。象人之形,并以一、口示意君王。厂示意“发号施令”。《说文》注:“继体君也。象人之形。施令以告四方,故厂之,从一、口。发号者君后也。”后是继承大统之国君。国君发号施令以布告四方,故从厂。自秦始皇起,帝王统称皇帝,君主之正室,皆称皇后。
 () empress; queen

70 "after" "queen" simplified, before and after, the Queen is not easy points.
1  After the Oracle as a knot rope record, the footsteps of the record, the actual instructions are the events occurred. "Said the text" Note: "After the late also." After the meaning of slow, backward, and "first" relative. And then back, back, and the "front" relative. Refers to the order, refers to near the end, and refers to future generations.
After (after) (name) (position) ① behind; rear; at the back ②after; afterwards; later ③off-spring

2  queen knowing the word is. Like the human form, and to a, I suggest the king. Plant to "command". "Said the text" Note: "Following the body of the king also. Elephant man shape. Shi Ling to tell the Quartet, so the plant, from one mouth, the number issued by Jun after." After the succession of the monarch of the monarch. The monarch sent a letter to the quartet, so from the factory. Since the Qin Shi Huang, the emperor collectively referred to the emperor, the monarch of the room, are called queen.

After (name) empress;queen

