
85 “吴”“誤”“娱”“虞”,吴字由口、夭(妖)二字组成。简化为口、天,大谬。 "吴Wu" "誤wrong" "娱entertainment" "虞Yu", Wu word from the mouth, Yao (Yao) word composition. Simplified for the mouth, days, big fallacy.

85  “吴”“誤”“娱”“虞”,吴字由口、夭(妖)二字组成。简化为口、天,大谬。

1  吴   吴是会意字。甲骨文吴字上为口形(张口说话),下为人形(曲夭之人形)本指张口说大话。后来多用作地名和姓氏。《说文》注:“姓也。亦郡(名)也。一曰吴,大言也。从天,从口。”
 []  (动)People mouth open    ( the of Wu  a surname

2  误   误是形声字。言为形符;吾为声符。《说文》注:“谬也。从言,吾(吴)声。”误即谬误、错误。引申耽误、妨害、使受损害。作副词,指非有意地造成某种不良后果。
 []() mistake; error ()  miss harm () unintentionally; by accident

3  娱   娱是形声字。女为形符;吴为声符。《说文》注:“乐也。从女,吴声。”娱义为欢娱、戏乐。作动词,指“使快乐”。
 []() give pleasure to; amuse () joy; pleasure; amusement

4  虞   虞是形声字,也是会意字。虎为形符;吴指人曲身窥而欲离之形,亦为声符。虞用于动词,指担忧、忧虑、料想、猜度。
() ()  supposition; prediction  anxiety; worry () deceive; cheat; fool

"吴Wu" "誤wrong" "娱entertainment" "虞Yu", Wu word from the mouth, Yao (Yao) word composition. Simplified for the mouth, days, big fallacy.

1  吴Wu Wu is knowing the word. Oracle Wu word for the mouth-shaped (mouth to speak), under the human form (Qu Yao of human form) This refers to mouth mouth lying. Later, more for the names and surnames. "Said the text" Note: "The name is also. County (name) also. One said Wu, big words from the day, from the mouth.
Wu [Wu] (动) People mouth open (名) ① the of Wu ② a surname

2  Wrong,errors are phonetic characters. Words for the character; I for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "absurd also from the words, Wu (Wu) sound." Wrong is the fallacy, error. To delay, impair, or cause harm. As an adverb, referring to unintentional cause some adverse consequences.

Wrong (wrong) Ⅰ (名) mistake; error Ⅱ (动) ① miss ② harm Ⅲ (副) unintentionally;

3  entertainment is a phonetic word. Female for the character; Wu for the sound. "Said the text" Note: "Music also from the female, Wu Sheng." Entertainment for the fun, entertainment. (1) To be a happy person.
Amusement [amusement] Ⅰ (动) give pleasure to; amuse Ⅱ (名) joy; pleasure;

4  虞 Yu is the phonetic word, but also knowing the word. Tiger as a character; Wu refers to people who look from the shape of the body, also for the sound. Yu for verbs, that worry, worry, expect, guess.
Yu is the ancient Chinese dynasty. "Yu Mei" Guqin song for the original name, after the word cards, music cards, and by the flower name.
From the tiger, Wu Sheng. "Yu is the Yu, animal name, is a black tiger with white tiger pattern, with a black tiger, Tail is longer than the body, do not eat live animals, the natural death of the beast for food, the legend is the beast beast.

(1) supposition; prediction ② anxiety; worry Ⅱ (动) deceive; cheat; fool

