
39 “阴”,甲骨文上是云,下是鸟。篆书阴是形声字。乌云蔽日即为阴。 39 "Yin", Oracle is the cloud, the next bird. Seal script Yin is phonetic word. Dark cloud is the yin.

39  “阴”,甲骨文上是云,下是鸟。篆书阴是形声字。乌云蔽日即为阴。
  甲骨文上是云,下是鸟。篆书阴是形声字。阜为形符;侌为声符。《说文》有二注: 1“暗也。水之南,山之北也。从阜,声。”阴即暗,又指被阳光遮蔽处。2“云覆日也。从云,今声。”阴义为阴天,乌云遮挡住了太阳(或鸟儿)。阴与“阳”相对。引申指阴影、阴私、阴谋、阴险,用以形容隐蔽、不外露、不光明正大等。与鬼神有关,则指阴间,阴曹地府。与电子学有关,则指带负电的,如负极、负离子等。
 [陰、隂]()  shade  the moon  back  private parts (esp. of the female) ()  cloudy; overcast  hidden  negative

39 "Yin", Oracle is the cloud, the next bird. Seal script Yin is phonetic word. Dark cloud is the yin.
Yin Oracle is the cloud, the next is a bird. Seal script Yin is phonetic word. Fu-shaped character; 侌 for the sound symbol. "Said the text" There are two Note: 1 "Dark also. Water of the South, the mountains of the North also from Fu, 侌 sound." Yin is dark, but also refers to the sun shelter. Cloud covered the sun (or birds). "Cloud cover the sun (or birds). Yin and "Yang" relative. Extended refers to the shadow, Yin private, conspiracy, insidious, used to describe hidden, not exposed, not upright and so on. With the spirits, refers to the underworld, Yin Caotu government. And electronics related, refers to the negatively charged, such as negative, negative ions.

Shade ② the moon ③ back ④ private parts (esp. Of the female) Ⅱ (shape) ① cloudy; overcast ② hidden ③ negative (negative)

