
《汉字解码学》第五部分 二十世纪汉字的"灾难" (一) The fifth part of the twentieth century Chinese character "disaster" (one)

   《汉字解码学》第五部分 二十世纪



    1 谭嗣同号召「尽改象形文字(即汉字)为谐声(即拼音文字)」 .
    2 蔡元培认为:「汉字既然不能不改革,尽可直接的改用拉丁字母了」。
    3 鲁迅说:「汉字是愚民政策的利器」,是「劳苦大众身上的结核」,「倘不先除去它,结果只有自己死。」(鲁迅全集六卷一六○页)他断言,「汉字不灭,中国必亡!」,「汉字也是中国劳苦大众身上的一个结核,病菌都潜在里面,」「倘若不先除去它,结果只有自己死」「因为汉字的艰深,使全中国大多数的人民,永远和前进的文化隔离,中国的人民,决不会聪明起来,理解自身所遭受的压榨,理解整个民族的危机。我是自身受汉字苦痛很深的一个人,因此我坚决主张以新文字来替代这种障碍大众进步的汉字。」 
    4 钱玄同宣布:「汉字的罪恶,如难识、难写,妨碍教育的普及、知识的传播」,「改用拼音是治本的办法,减省现行汉字笔画是治标的办法.……治标的办法实是目前最切要的办法」。 「废孔学,不可不先废汉文;欲驱除一般人之幼稚的、野蛮的思想,尤不可不先废汉文」,钱玄同希望中国能废除汉字,「欲使中国人智识长进,头脑清楚,非将汉字根本打倒不可。」钱玄同还说,「中国文字,论其过去之历史,则千分之九百九十九为记载孔门学说及道教妖言之记号...。欲使中国不亡,欲使中国民族为二十世纪文明之民族,必以非孔学、滅道教为根本之解决,而废记载孔门学说及道教妖言之汉文,尤为根本解决之根本解决。」
    5 傅斯年说:「中国文字的起源是极野蛮的,其形状是极奇异,认识是极不便,应用是极不经济,真是又笨、又粗、牛鬼蛇神的文字,真是天下第一不方便的器具。 」
    6 胡适说:「汉字不灭,中国必亡!」「象形文字的残根余孽能爬出中世纪的茅坑,多少算是救了汉字。」中国人「必须承认自己百事不如人」,是「又蠢又懒的民族」,「一分像人,九分像鬼的不长进民族」。 「我以为中国将来应该有拼音的文字。但是文言中单音太多,决不能变成拼音文字。所以必需先用白话文字来代替文言的文字,然后把白话的文字变成拼音的文字」。
   7 吴稚晖在「新世纪」第40号上说,「中国文字,迟早必废」。胡适和陈独秀在钱、吴的文章发表后,立刻表示赞同。
   8 陈独秀说:...惟有先废汉文,且存汉语。而改用罗马字母书之」。汉字拉丁化的发起者和领导者从二十世纪初就从政治上将汉字定性为「封建社会」「统治阶级压迫劳苦群众」的工具。陈独秀强烈地主张废除汉字,说中国文字,既难载新事新理,且为腐毒思想之巢窟,废之诚不足惜。 」 
   9   1931926日在海参崴召开的,吴玉章等人参加的中国新文字第一次代表大会通过了《中国汉字拉丁化的原则和规则》。这一指导中国文字改革运动的纲领性文件,其第一条原则称:「大会认为中国汉字是古代与封建社会的产物,已经变成统治阶级压迫劳苦群众工具之一,实为广大人民识字的障碍,已不适应现在的时代。」(转引自吴玉章:《文字改革文集》,中国人民大学出版社197812月第一版,第58)
   10 三十年代的左翼作家瞿秋白说:「汉字真正是世界上最龌龊最恶劣最混蛋的中世纪的茅坑。」(瞿秋白文集二卷六九○页。)

   The fifth part of the twentieth century Chinese character "disaster"


   At the beginning of twentieth Century, a suspicion of Chinese characters \ negative Chinese characters \ eliminate the evil wind, blowing all over the land of the motherland, blowing this evil wind, mainly in China's intellectual class.

   Different from the historical text reform, the reform of modern Chinese characters has a strong political background, which is a reflection and reaction to China's backwardness and national survival crisis. Chinese characters are hard to learn, Chinese characters are backward, and China's backwardness seems to be a mutual causal relationship. Correspondingly, Pinyin is advanced, phonics is studious, and the causal relationship between the three strong Westerns seems self-evident. Look at the early text reformers on the curse of Chinese, simply can not believe the mouth of the Chinese people, from the mouth of scholars.

    1 Tan Si-tong called on "to make hieroglyphics (ie Chinese characters) as harmonic (ie phonetic)."
    2 Cai Yuanpei said: "Since the Chinese characters can not but reform, can be directly converted to the Latin alphabet."
    "Lu Xun said:" Chinese characters are a tool of foolish people's policies, "and" tuberculosis of the working people. "" If we do not remove it first, we will die only ourselves. "(Lu Xun, "Chinese character is also a tuberculosis of the Chinese working people, the bacteria are potential inside," "If you do not remove it, only to die" because of the difficulties of Chinese characters, so that the majority of the whole of China People, forever and forward cultural isolation, the Chinese people will never be smart up, understand their own squeeze, understand the crisis of the whole nation.I am a person suffering from deep Chinese characters, so I firmly believe that the new Text to replace this obstacle to the progress of Chinese characters. "
    4 Qian Xuantong declared: "The evil of Chinese characters, such as difficult to know, hard to write, hinder the spread of education, knowledge," "use of pinyin is the root of the problem, reduce the current Chinese character strokes is a temporary solution. Is the most important method at present. " Qian Xuantong hoped that China would abolish Chinese characters and would like to make the Chinese people's intellectuals grow up and be clear-headed. "In order to get rid of the Chinese people, "He said," the history of the Chinese language, the history of the past, the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine for the records of the doctrine of the doctrine of Taoism and Yao Yao's mark .... For China will not die, and the Chinese nation will be a civilized nation in the twentieth century. It will be solved with non-Confucianism and Taoism as the fundamental solution, while the Confucianism of Taoism and Confucianism will be discarded.
    5 Fu Sinian said: "The origin of Chinese characters is extremely barbarous, and its shape is extremely strange, understanding is very inconvenient, the application is extremely uneconomical, really stupid, and thick, monsters of the text, really the world's most inconvenient apparatus . "
    "Hu Shi said:" Chinese characters will die, China will die! "" Hieroglyphs remnants can climb out of the Middle Ages, how many saved Chinese characters. "Chinese" must admit that Pepsi not as good as people " Lazy nation "," a point like a man, nine points like a ghost does not grow into the nation. " "I think there should be a phonetic Chinese text in the future, but the classical tones too much, can not become phonetic text, so we must first use the vernacular text to replace the text of classical Chinese, and then the vernacular text into phonetic text.
   7 Wu Chih-hui said in the "New Century" No. 40, "Chinese characters, sooner or later will be wasted." Hu Shi and Chen Duxiu in money, Wu's article was published, immediately agreed.
   8 Chen Duxiu said: "... only the first waste of Chinese, and save the Chinese, while the use of the Roman alphabet of the book." The initiators and leaders of the Latin word of the Chinese character from the beginning of the twentieth century from the political character of the Chinese characterization as "feudal society", "the ruling class oppress the working people" tool. Chen strongly advocated the abolition of Chinese characters, saying that Chinese characters, both difficult to set new things and new ideas, and for the rot poison thought nest, waste sincere lack of pity. "
   9 September 1931, held in Vladivostok, Wu Yuzhang, who attended the first Chinese New Text Congress adopted the "Chinese characters Latinized principles and rules." The first principle of the document, which guides the reform movement of China's writing, states: "The Congress considers Chinese characters as a product of ancient and feudal society and has become one of the tools of the ruling class to oppress the working people, "(Quoted in Wu Yuzhang:" Collected Works of the Reform of the Writing System ", People's University Press, December 1978, the first edition, p. 58)
   Qu Qiubai, a left - wing writer in the 1930s, said: "Chinese characters are truly the worst and worst bastard of the Middle Ages in the world." (Qu Qiubai 's Collected Works, Volume 2, p.
         (Above are extracted from Baidu data)

