
(二) 我们要客观地看待二十世纪的这场争论和改革 We must objectively look at this debate and reform in the twentieth century

  (二) 我们要客观地看待二十世纪的这场

   二十世纪的这场争论和改革与历史上的文字改革不同,近代汉字改革有着强烈的政治背景,他是对中国落后挨打、民族生存危机的反思和反应。汉字难学,汉字落后,中国落后三者似乎是一种互为因果的关系,与此对应,拼音先进, 拼音好学,西方强盛三者之间的因果关系似乎也是不言而喻的。看看早期文字改革者对汉语的诅咒,简直不能相信出自中国人之口,出自学者之口。
   改革中国文字曾经是一个很响亮的口号,文字改革委员会的名称也曾存在了很多年,如今主流派语言文字学家差不多都是改革派们的传人。文字改革委员会多年前就换了牌子改称为语言文字工作委员会了,曾经作为改革方向和目标的废除汉字,汉语走拼音化道路的事情也被无限期地推迟了。然而为什么不再这样提这样做,先前到底对在何处,抑或错在哪里,并没有谁出来给个说法或者进行讨论。像在其他许多问题上一样,知识阶层中部份人并不赞成这种作法,但在百花齐放后接着就进行反右派斗争中,不允许进行深入研究和学理探讨,文字改革以行政命令加以推行。无可否认的是,人们汉语水平日见退化,汉语在外(英)语面前节节败退。我们有必要从根本上反思一百多年​​来的中国文字改革,评说其是非功过,以便推进汉语新的改革。                  (资料引自百度文章)

(2) We must objectively look at the twentieth century
          Debate and reform

   The twentieth century, this debate and reform, and the history of the text reform is different from the reform of modern Chinese characters have a strong political background, he is behind China beaten, national survival crisis of reflection and response. Chinese characters are hard to learn, Chinese characters are backward, and China's backwardness seems to be a mutual causal relationship. Correspondingly, Pinyin is advanced, phonics is studious, and the causal relationship between the three strong Westerns seems self-evident. Look at the early text reformers on the curse of Chinese, simply can not believe the mouth of the Chinese people, from the mouth of scholars.

   The reform of Chinese language used to be a very loud slogan, the name of the Committee for the Reform of the Word has existed for many years, and now the mainstream linguistics scholars are almost successors of reformers. The Committee for the Reform of the Writing Language changed its name to the Working Committee on Language and Literature many years ago. It has also been postponed indefinitely as a means of repealing Chinese characters for the direction and purpose of reform. But why do not you mention it, where you've been, or where you went wrong, and who did not come out and talk or talk. As in many other issues, some people in the intellectual class disapprove of this practice, but in the fight against the right after the flowers bloom then does not allow in-depth research and theoretical study, the text of the reform order to carry out the executive. It is undeniable that the Chinese language is becoming increasingly degraded, and the Chinese language is losing ground in front of the English language. We need to reflect on the fundamental reform of the Chinese language over the past 100 years, and comment on its merits and demerits in order to promote the new reform of Chinese language. (Information from Baidu article)

