
(六)电子计算机出现后展开的汉字出路的新争论. New Arguments on the Way Out of Chinese Characters after the Emergence of Electronic Computers.





1 认为「电子计算机是汉字的掘墓人」,「汉字行将就木」。吕叔湘先生于198336日重申他过去的、一贯的关于汉字落后论和汉字拉丁化优越论的主张。
2 他说:「拼音文字能机械化,汉字不能机械化」(《吕叔湘文集》第四卷91页);
3 「汉字加文言,配合封建社会加官僚政治,拼音加语体文配合工业化社会加民主政治——这是现代化的两个方面。」(《吕叔湘文集》第四卷116页);
4 汉字书法「这一项艺术注定了要衰落」,汉字「现在通行的老宋体(其实是明朝后期才有的),实在丑得可以,倒是外国印书的abcd,有时候还倒真有很美的字体呢。」(《吕叔湘文集》第四卷113页)。
5 他的结论就是汉字不能面向世界,面向未来和面向现代化。 (参见《吕叔湘文集》第四卷134138页)
6 中国汉字拉丁化的权威刊物《语文现代化》丛刊1980年第一期宣告:「方块汉字在电子计算机上遇到的困难,好像一个行将就木的衰老病人」,「历史将证明:电子计算机是方块汉字的掘墓人,也是汉语拼音文字的助产士。」 

这种争论,现在应该可以告一段落了.自2006年开始,随着微软的Surface平板电脑的问世,人机交互方式发生了巨大的变革。一种接近人类日常沟通模式的人机交互模式已经大量应用于最新的科技产品之中。新的汉字构造分解技术,中文智能输入的已有积累,中文字体的表现力,中文手写的安全性等方面都远远超越了英文,中文输入的方便开始出现明显超越的趋势。第二代象形输入法也开始在新产品中应用,其输入效率通过基本的适应期之后,已经可以超越了原有的所有输入法。 (资料引自百度文章)


(6) New Arguments on the Way Out of Chinese Characters after the Emergence of Electronic Computers.

Western phonetic alphabet consists of letters, and Westerners use the keyboard typewriter has a long history, so there is no obstacle to computer input. The Chinese characters are box words, each word is different, and the Chinese people do not use the keyboard tradition, so the computer's input problem hindered the computer in China's popularity and development.
In 1978, the Shanghai Institute of Electrical Equipment Research Branch Bing Bing Yi created a "see the word code" method, and by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of telephone use, so that the first computer to enter the Chinese character into the practical stage. "See the code" with 26 Latin alphabet encoding, with 4 Latin letters that a Chinese character. This encoding scheme is based on the dual relationship between phonetic and glyphs, which can be read by the word, and can be encoded without a rote. As the characters of each character is fixed, give the computer code storage and software should bring great convenience. This code has been applied to a certain extent, for the establishment of Chinese computer networks and databases to open the door, and to build on the basis of computer-based phototypesetting printing automation can be achieved.
However, the Chinese character input technology to achieve universal popularity, practical, is invented by Wang Yongmin, "Wubi" input method. This is a really mature stage of the Chinese character encoding scheme.
In September 1984, Wubi character encoding input method in the United Nations to do the operation demonstration, up to 120 words per minute input speed, each character and phrase input up to 4 key, since then, the computer's Chinese input problem has been fundamental solve. Since then, the development of Chinese character input technology more and more advanced, but are using Western computer keyboard for Chinese character code, enter the code corresponding to the completion of the input of Chinese characters.

Existing Chinese character coding has four or five hundred as much as the main can be divided into shape code, vocoding and vocoding. Wubi is the shape code, which is divided into a number of Chinese characters root, respectively, represented by the letter; voice code is produced according to the Chinese Pinyin coding, such as Shuangpin two-tone input method; shape code is the code and vocoding Combined with the characteristics of the root will be converted to Pinyin encoding, both the strengths and weaknesses. Chinese character encoding is moving in the direction of simplification, voice recognition input technology has gradually become more perfect, and be applied to the Chinese computer input becomes more and more easy. As tens of thousands of Chinese characters of the public, in order not to occupy the computer's memory space, so there will be made of Chinese characters hardware hardware card. Hanka enables computers to achieve the same efficiency as English. The early 80s of the Han card is stupid and large, and later the use of VLSI, condensed to reach a few thousandths. The miniaturization of Hanka provides the conditions for the versatility of microcomputers.

However, the "master" and "master" of the Chinese language profession echoed international public opinion in the 1980s:
1 that "electronic computer is the gravedigger of Chinese characters," "Chinese characters will be on the wood." Mr. Lu Shuxiang on March 6, 1983 to reiterate his past, has always been on the backwardness of Chinese characters and Latin characters of the superiority of the idea.
He said: "Pinyin text can be mechanized, Chinese characters can not be mechanized" ("Lu Shuxiang Collection" fourth volume 91);
3 "Chinese characters plus language, with the feudal society and bureaucratic politics, Pinyin plus language and culture with the industrial society and democratic politics - this is the modernization of two aspects." ("Lu Shuxiang" Volume IV 116);
4 Chinese character calligraphy "This art is doomed to decline," the Chinese characters "now popular old Times (in fact, only the late Ming Dynasty), it is ugly, it touches the foreign seal a, b, c, d, And sometimes it is a beautiful font. "(" Lu Shuxiang anthology "fourth volume 113 pages).
5 His conclusion is that Chinese characters can not face the world, face the future and face modernization. (See "Lu Shuxiang Collection" Volume IV, pages 134-138)
6 The first edition of the Chinese Language Modernization Series published in 1980, "The Difficulty of Block Chinese Characters on Computers," is like an aging patient. "History will prove that electronic computers are square Chinese characters The grave-digger, and also the midwife of the Chinese phonetic alphabet. "

Since 2006, with the advent of Microsoft's Tablet PC, the way human-computer interaction has undergone tremendous changes, and it is now possible to come to an end. A human-computer interaction model, which is close to the daily human communication model, has been widely used in the latest technology products. Chinese character input decomposition has been accumulated, the Chinese character expression, the safety of Chinese handwriting and other aspects are far beyond the English, Chinese input convenience began to appear significantly beyond the trend. Second-generation pictographic input method is also beginning to apply in the new product, the input efficiency through the basic adaptation period, has been able to go beyond the original all the input method.  (Information from Baidu article)
 The conclusion is:
1 electronic computer is not the grave digger, "Chinese characters can not be about to wood."
2 Chinese character expression, the safety of Chinese handwriting, etc. are far beyond the English,
2 Chinese characters can face the world, facing the future and facing the modernization.

3 Chinese calligraphy "This art is doomed not to decline", Chinese characters are not ugly, Chinese calligraphy art will forever youth.

