
33 “发”甲骨文象手执弓箭之形,会意发出或发射。 33 "send out" Oracle bows and arrows as the shape of the hand, knowing the issue or launch.

33  “发”甲骨文象手执弓箭之形,会意发出或发射。
 []()  send out; issue; deliver; dispatch; distribute  utter  come into existence; occur  become; get into a certain state  feel () for ammunition

33 "send out" Oracle bows and arrows as the shape of the hand, knowing the issue or launch.
Hair bones like bows and arrows, intended to issue or launch. "Said the text" Note: "The radio also from the bow, sound." Hair meaning for the launch. Discovery, occurrence, development, release, invention and so on. Hair is also used as bullets, shells of the quantifier.

Get into a certain state ⑤ feel Ⅱ (amount) for ammunition (發) ① send out; issue; deliver; dispatch; distribute ② utter ③ come into existence;

