
100 "人",甲骨文象侧立之人形。泛指人类. "people", Oracle as the side of the human form. Refers to the human.

100  "人",甲骨文象侧立之人形。泛指人类.

  甲骨文象侧立之人形。《说文》注:“人,天地之性最贵者也。籀文象臂胫之形。”人,是一种灵长目人科人属及直立行走的物种。粒线体DNA与化石证明,人类大约于20万年前起源于东非。人具有高度发达的大脑,具有抽象思维、语言、自我意识以及解决问题的能力。人为天地所化育,反过来人类又以极快的速度改造着世界. "人",泛指人类,也指成年人,非成年人,别的人,某种人,每个人或一般人."人"亦借指人才以及人之身体、品质、名声等。
 ()  human being; man; person; people a person engaged in a particular activity people; other people  personality; character  everybody; each

100 "people", Oracle as the side of the human form. Refers to the human.
Human Oracle as the side of the human form. "Man said," People, the world's most expensive of those who also. Zhou Wen-like arm-shaped shin. "People, is a primate genitalia and upright walking species. The mitochondrial DNA and fossils prove that humans originated in East Africa about 200,000 years ago. People have a highly developed brain, with abstract thinking, language, self-awareness and problem-solving skills. Human beings, in turn the human transformation of the world with great speed. "People" refers to the human, but also refers to adults, non-adults, other people, some people, each person or person. "Also refers to the talent and the human body, quality, reputation and so on.
People (a) ① human being; man; person ② a person engaged in a particular activity ③ people; other people ④ personality; character ⑤ everybody; each

