
24 “动”,动是形声字,也是会意字。力加重,才能动。 24 "move", moving is the phonetic word, but also knowing the word. Force to increase, to move.

24  “动”,动是形声字,也是会意字。力加重,才能动。
 [動、働] ()  move; stir  act; get moving  use  change; alter  touch (ones heart) ; arouse  eat or drink

24 "move", moving is the phonetic word, but also knowing the word. Force to increase, to move.
Movement is the phonetic word. Force for the character; re-symbol. Move is also knowing the word, power increased, can move. "Said the text" Note: "For also. Congli, re-sound." Action for the action, labor. Also refers to things to change the location or state. And "static" relative. Extended use, touch. As a noun, referring to animals, dynamic, kinetic energy and so on.

Get moving ③ use ④ change; alter ⑤ touch (one's heart); arouse ⑥ eat or drink

