
(四)陈梦家(文字学家)捍卫汉字传承的精神不朽. (Four) the philologist Chen 梦家 to defend the spiritual transmission of Chinese immortality.











(Four) the philologist Chen 梦家 to defend the spiritual transmission of Chinese immortality.

He published "a little careful" reform "Chinese characters", do not agree to abolish the traditional characters, real

Line simplified words, was labeled as "right."
In March 1957, the rectification movement was carried out in the whole country .In response to help the Communist Party rectification, Chen dream home with a positive and enthusiastic attitude to participate .In April, Chen dream home in a speech, said: "Today's flowers, I think this is Frankly discuss the best time to the future of Chinese characters and I will unreservedly put forward some different points of view ... ... we have used Chinese characters for over three thousand years, and these characters do not have any bad ... ... Recently, I wrote an article, I am willing to make such a trouble, because I want to contribute ... ... "
"First of all, we are sure that we have used Chinese characters for over three thousand years, or a very good tool ... a national form that does not have to be abolished." "Do not declare the death sentence of Chinese characters too soon before doing a good study." " , The relationship between our thousands of thousands of people, the relationship between the descendants of BES, be careful to engage.
However, only five weeks later, the "Flower Movement" was replaced by the "anti-rightist movement". Chen Mengjia became one of the five great rightists in the historiography circle and was severely criticized. A critical essay proclaims: "The Rightist, Chen Mengjia, is a poisonous grass ... he can never let him take root." In other articles, he describes him as a "sinister and intriguing" monster: "Why all times counterrevolutionary Hate the simplified Chinese characters? Do they really want to go back to ancient times? "," Chen Mengjia met a handful of Western capitalist Sinologists, and regarded them as babies. "(From Wikipedia)

His life is a patriotic life.

Chen Mengjia (1911 ~ 1966), Zhejiang Shangyu, was born in Nanjing. Once under the pseudonym Chen slow zai, Chinese modern famous ancient philologist, archaeologist, poet. Chen Meng home in the thirties poem name is great, and Wen Yiduo, Xu Zhimo, Zhu Xiang with the aim of "the four poets of the new moon." He began to write poems at the age of 16. His poem first learns Xu Zhimo, after school learns a much. In 1929 October, in the "new moon" magazine published debut poem "that night", cause poem attention. And then to "Chen Manzai" for the pen name published a large number of new poetry. In 1931 January, compiled "dream home poetry", published by the new moon bookstore. In September the same year, also compiled "Crescent Poetry" published. His poems pay attention to the expression of "self", pay attention to phonological harmony and the overall symmetry, good at absorbing the characteristics of poetry writing free poetry, the formation and development of the new moon more. He is the author of many novels such as the poems of "Dream House", "Spring Without Flowers", "Iron Horse Collection", "Frontline", "Dream Family Poetry" and other academic research. On behalf of poets and important members.
The early 20th century, the early 30s, the turbulent social environment so that living in the deep wall compound in front of Chen Mengjia institutions of higher learning, has also put no more than a calm desk. At the beginning of 1930, Chen Meng family wrote "Qin Huai River Guiku" a poem, depicting the Kuomintang government "capital" Nanjing city horror ghostly picture. The poet dormant in the heart of the patriotism driven him with "a bunch of worries" from the "young people's decadent disease" in retrospect as the tragic reality of life.
In 1932 January, Chen Meng home finished teacher Xu Zhimo's manuscript "wandering" set, finishing his 19 years in the summer after the poem, set as "iron horse set", then decided to stop the late crescent poetry publication "poetry Published ", ending the intertwined with the melancholy and pain of the student era.
While Chen dream home planning their future life, "one twenty-eight" war broke out! The rumbling of the 19th Route Army in Shanghai against the Japanese invaders awoke the passionate patriotism deeply buried in the poet's heart. The second day of the war, he and classmates Liu Qi 122 brigade, to participate in anti-Japanese propaganda work. Chen Meng home with 122 brigade and brigade since the Nanxiang by Liu Xing, Jiading, Yang line, Gu house, true, big field line to the front of the algae Hamamatsu advance. February 1, 1932 troops stationed in the town of Nanxiang, Chen Meng home station stood three days and nights, witnessed homeless women and children in the rain and snow staggered walk, the ranks of the Shanghai-Nanjing line of refugees up to number of meandering Shili. His heart twists and turns, write a "poem" a poem, issued "Who teaches us this?" In February 13, 1932, the troops in the quarter bridge and the Japanese invaders in the snow war. 122 brigade 5, 6 regiment any striker, and the hostile melee all day. Chen and other family at the FireWire, rescue injuries. He saw the courageous Chinese soldiers in the hail of bullets in the fearless rush, wounded wounded dyed blood, and some soldiers at the expense of still keep the guns aimed at the position. The field is full of new graves of anti-diaries. In the warrior's tomb, Chen Meng home wrote a compelling poem - "in the algae Bang Bang battlefield": in the algae bang on the battlefield, the blood flowers line / with the new ghost's grave open in the snow mud : / There 's a breakout of our heroes - quietly / stretched out the uneven team - the paper flags floating. / Goshawk, red tail of the wings, hanging in the half-day funeral. Now they lie down, they have to stand up / forward charge, they kill, they slander, / kill people to kill people, all fell asleep / in the algae bang on the battlefield. To you, like a torch then the fire, we hope, / hope you come back to the death of our lives! / Fist of the hand clenched bombs to us called: / go there! Go there! Listen to our siren! / Fist of the hand Xuan Xuan lit a handful of fire / in the algae bang on the battlefield.
At the beginning of 1933, the Japanese invaders finally trample on the land of Rehe, Chen Mengjia indignation, determined to self-elm to the front to defend the motherland. January 13, Fang Weide, Qu Bing Sen and other students in Beiping Dongcheng Dengshikou Yanjing Alumni Association held a farewell party. The next morning, Chen Meng family from the North through the mouth of the ancient Pubei mouth. Witnessed Qi Li Jun Wei's Saibei scenery, the patriotic feeling of purely arrogant. His view of the time according to the "Gubeikou Road", "Chengde Road" and other poems, poetic and bold and bold, not a meteorology.
In July 1937, the outbreak of the war, Chen Meng home by Mr. Wen Yiduo recommended to Changsha, Tsinghua University professor of Chinese. Is the fall, went to Kunming, southwest United University to teach.

He dedicated his efforts and life to the solemn defense of Chinese characters.

The autumn of 1944, he was from the United States Harvard University professor Fei Zhengqing and Tsinghua University professor of philosophy Jinyuelin introduced to the University of Chicago professor of ancient philology. There were only four or five American students in the course of his course, but as he first arrived in New York to answer a tabloid reporter, he went to the United States mainly to compile a collection of Chinese bronze figures record. In the United States 3 years, he is to this goal and work hard. From the second year he visited the United States possession of bronze in the people, museums, antique dealers, and then return to the University of Chicago office to sort out the information collected, Most private collectors are wealthy homes. Or who can afford one, two, and even a few pieces of exquisite, expensive Chinese bronze it? Dream home is cynical, as long as there is a device of the house, he is bound to knock the door. He and all collectors, antique dealers, almost all of the communication relationship between the museum, and leave the letter to the bottom. He successfully completed the work he was trying to accomplish.
In the United States of 3 years, in addition to the preparation of large flow of American bronze catalog, he also wrote and published in English, "Chinese bronze art style", "the great Zhou Dynasty" and other articles, and the Chicago Museum of Art Of the Gloria co-edited "Buckingham possession of Chinese bronze catalog."
The autumn of 1947, he refused to persuade him to retain the United States, decided to return to the motherland, continue to teach at Tsinghua University.

Back to the first year of Tsinghua, he purchased a lot of the motherland for the school heritage, and set up a "heritage showroom." In 1952, he was transferred from Qinghua to the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences. In 1956 he used the "Yin ruins oracle synthesis" of the royalties in the money to buy a house alley. Since then, he occupied a large bedroom and a study, in which the next two painting desk. This big one small two tables together to fight his desk, filled with a variety of needs from time to time to read the books, manuscripts, stationery and a lamp. Dream home diligent scholarship has a very good material conditions. His body is good, tireless, can work almost every day ten hours to twelve hours.

In 1957, at the Institute of Archeology, Chen Meng family was classified as "rightists." Is the history of the famous five rightists [Huang Xianfan, Xiang Da, Lei Haizong, Wang Chongmin, Chen Mengjia (by age)) one. One of his charges is "against the reform of the text."
Classified as "rightists", the punishment of Chen Mengjia is "downgrade use." Compared to those who were sent to the "Great Northern Wilderness" of the people, he received the punishment is not the most important. He is still in the Institute of Archeology, was once "decentralized" to the rural labor in Henan Province, for tread water and so on. Later, he was delegated to Lanzhou in the northwest. His research on Chinese characters, such as "Hanwei", was completed under the harsh conditions of wearing right-wing hats and labor remolding.

His contribution in the field of linguistic philology mainly focused on his comprehensive research on inscriptions on inscriptions on oracle bone inscriptions, inscriptions on bronzes of Yin and Zhou dynasties, Han and ancient texts. His research on Oracle began to pay more attention to the analysis of the text and to seek the etiquette of the oracle. After the study of bronze from the dating of inspiration, from the dating of a comprehensive study of divination. He is the representative of the Oracle research as "Yinxu oracle synthesis" (Science Press, 1956). The book is the history of oracle bones in the history of the rare large-scale comprehensive research work. The book more than 70 million words, is divided into 20 chapters. From the perspective of language and philology, the "text" and "grammar" two chapters is the most important. In the chapter of "Writing", he summarized the methods of the oracle bone inscriptions on the oracle bones, and put forward his own unique views on the origin and construction of Chinese characters. He also explored the structure of Chinese characters in close contact with Chinese characteristics. In the chapter of "grammar", he proposed that the inscriptions were the earliest materials to study the history of Chinese grammar, and could start to seek the law of the development of Chinese grammar. The book on the study of ancient history, language and archeology have an important reference value, at home and abroad have a greater impact. His masterpiece in bronze research is the "Bronze Dating of the Western Zhou Dynasty" (in six periodicals from 1955 to 1956 in the "archaeological journal"). Which described in detail the different types of bronze of 98 different times. Every piece of the inscriptions recorded the whole article, and to be a detailed interpretation, and some even the history of the discussion word for word. So it includes a lot of interpretation of words, words, to explore the rules of grammar and semantic information. This study of ancient Chinese and Chinese history great reference value.
His achievements in the study of the Han dynasty are mainly concentrated in the book "Wuwei Hanjian" (Cultural Relic Publishing House, 1964) and "Hanjian" (Zhonghua Book Company, 1980). In addition, he also monograph: "Lao Tzu this release" (Chongqing Commercial Press, 1945), "overseas Chinese bronze warehousemography of the first episode" (Beijing Library, Commercial Press, 1946) "(The Commercial Press, 1957)," US imperialism looting of China's Yin and Zhou bronze set recorded "(Science Press, 1962); papers:" Release the end of fishing "(" Archaeological Press "1936 (1941, No. 11), "On the ancient phonology of the discussion" ("Tsinghua University," 1941, Volume 13, No. 2), "China", " ("Archeology" in 1964), "the ancient bronze" ("archaeological journal" in 1954 seventh), "careful" reform "Chinese character" ("Wen Wei Po" May 17, 1957) 3) and so on, as well as some have been published in order to publish and some will be finishing the posthumous works, such as "Western Zhou Dynasty bronze dating" of the latter part.
The Cultural Revolution began in August 1966, Chen Mengjia in the archaeological are "criticized" struggle. "His home was copied. Their couple 's housing occupied by others.
August 24, 1966 evening, Chen Meng home in the "struggle", left the archaeological site, came to live in a nearby friend's house. He told friends: "I can not let other people put me as a monkey playing." At this time, the archeology of some people to track the arrival of his friends at home, press him kneeling on the ground, loudly curse him. Then, these people from his friend's house and escorted back to the Institute of Archeology. That night, not allowed to go home Chen dream home.
Chen dream home in August 24th night to write a suicide note, serving a large number of sleeping pills Dutch act. As the amount of sleeping pills is not enough to kill, he did not die. August 24, 1966 is the ninth day of the seventh lunar month, there is a "new moon" when. Do not know that night he saw the new moon, do not know what he thought about the month. When he was 20 years old, he wrote a poem, "A new moon opens with a sail." This is a beautiful metaphor: a crescent shaped sail that sends him to the ideal. But then the crescent accompanied him to death.
Ten days later, Chen Mengjia once again committed suicide. Chen Mengjia hanged, died in September 3, 1966, only 55 years old.
December 28, 1978, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Archeology held in Beijing, Mr. Chen Mengjia memorial service, his love of the motherland, love the spirit of the cause of socialism gave a high evaluation.

             (Information from Baidu Encyclopedia)

