
92 "从",一人在前,一人随后跟从,表示跟从. "From", one in front, followed by one person, that follow.

92  "从",一人在前,一人随后跟从,表示跟从.
 []() [used to indicate the starting point] from; pass by () ever ()  follow; obey; adopt  join ()  follower; attendant  secondary; accessory

92 "From", one in front, followed by one person, that follow.

From Oracle as a person in front, followed by a person followed the shape. From the same, from the from, from the sound. "" From, listen to also from the two. "From the accompanying, follow. Extended pursuit. From that also listen to, according to Shun. In accordance with, to participate, to participate, by virtue of, based on. As a preposition, the equivalent of "self." As an adverb, the equivalent of "never."
 []() [used to indicate the starting point] from; pass by () ever ( follow; obey; adopt  join ( follower; attendant  secondary; accessory

