
81 "保",甲骨文象大人背着小孩给予保护之形。会意保育、保护。 81 "Bao", Oracle as adults carrying children to protect the shape. Consciousness conservation, protection.

81  "保",甲骨文象大人背着小孩给予保护之形。会意保育、保护。
Ⅰ(动) protect, defend, safeguard  keep, maintain, preserve  guarantee, ensure go bail for sb () guarantor, guarantee, ensure

81 "Bao", Oracle as adults carrying children to protect the shape. Consciousness conservation, protection.
Protector bones as adults carrying children to protect the shape. Consciousness conservation, protection. The other solution is: "possession also from the Rock, stay sound." Here refers to the protection. Extended guards, maintaining the status quo, so that does not disappear or weaken. But also for security, guarantee solution. Republic of China, the implementation of Bao-Jia system, security and grass-roots as the household registration unit.

(1) protect, defend, safeguard ② keep, maintain, preserve ③ guarantee, ensure ④go bail for sb Ⅱ (name) guarantor, guarantee, ensure

