
25 “风”,甲骨文风与凡同为一字。篆书风为会意字:风因龙(虫)起。 25 "wind", Oracle wind and where the same word. Seal the wind for the knowing word: the wind because the dragon (insects) from.

25  “风”,甲骨文风与凡同为一字。篆书风为会意字:风因龙(虫)起。
   甲骨文风与凡同为一字。象船帆之形。以船帆之动态观察风力、风向,是古人对风字的描画。风又作形声字。凡为形符;凤为声符。篆书改凤为虫,会意风因龙(虫)起。《说文》注: “八风也。风动虫生。从虫,凡声。”风是气压差异而产生之空气流动现象。引申风气、风俗、风采、风土、风景等。
 [] ()  wind; draft  style; practice; custom  scene; view  news; information

25 "wind", Oracle wind and where the same word. Seal the wind for the knowing word: the wind because the dragon (insects) from.
Wind Oracle wind and where the same word. Like the shape of sails. To sail the dynamic observation of wind, wind, is the ancients of the wind character drawing. The wind also made phonetic characters. Where for the shape character; Seal the book to change the phoenix as insects, knowing the wind due to the dragon (insects) from. "Wen said:" The wind is also caused by air pressure differences arising from the phenomenon of air flow. Style, custom, style, terroir, landscape and so on.

Wind [wind] (名) ① wind; draft ② style; practice; custom ③ scene; view ④ news; information

