
22 “产”,产是会意字。立是形,“生”是意,“丿”表示动物产出的过程。 22 "production", production is knowing the word. Li is shaped, "Health" is intended, "Pie" that the process of animal production.

22  “产”,产是会意字。立是形,“”是意,“丿”表示动物产出的过程。
 []()  give birth to produce; yield ()  product; produce  property; estate

22 "production", production is knowing the word. Li is shaped, "Health" is intended, "Pie" that the process of animal production.
Production is knowing the word. Li is shaped, "Health" is intended, "Pie" that the process of animal production. "Said the text" Note: "Health also from the students, Yan province sound." Refers to the human or animal from the mother to separate the larvae. Extended the production, production, manufacturing. As a noun, refers to the production of things, such as aquatic products, minerals, specialty products. People have the money, housing, land, materials, etc., also known as production.

Produce (produce) ① give birth to ② produce; yield Ⅱ (名) ① product; produce ② property; estate

