
2 指事组字法。 2 word group word method.

2  指事组字法。

 ()  the edge of a knife, sword, etc.; blade  sword; knife

Ⅰ(名)  the root or stem of a plant  foundation; basis; origin  capital; principal book  edition ; version ()  original  ones own  this; current; present () according to; based on () for books , albums, etc.  (电影) reel


 ()  tip; end  end; last stage  non-essentials; minor details  powder; dust

 [] () buttocks
 end; last stage  non-essentials; minor details  powder; dust


()  tail  end  remaining part; remainant () for fish

乌[]I(名)crow II(形)black;dark

 (形、动、副)  above  upper; up; upward  higher; superior; better  last; former  first (part)      preceding previous  go to; leave for go up; get on set; fix  apply; paint; smear

() down; under; below ()  lower; inferior  next; latter ()  descend; get off  (of rain, snow, etc.) fall take off; dismantle  put into use () for the frequency of an action used after a verb as a complement

2 word group word method.
First, a pictographic symbol plus a symbolic symbol of the word, known as the word refers to things. The symbolic symbol is called the symbol.
For example, a knife is a pictograph, add a little on the blade, it means the blade.
Edge of a knife next to the knife to indicate the knife blade. Blade is the word. "Said the text" Note: "Knife Kennedy also. Like a knife with a knife-shaped." Blade edge edge of the most sharp. By means of the sword. Knife to kill, also known as the blade, so the blade can be used as a verb.

The blade of a knife, sword, etc .; blade ② sword;

Wood is hieroglyphics, in the root of the wood plus a circular symbol, it means this. Wood word in the tops of trees plus a horizontal, it means the end.
The text refers to the word. Wood for the character; wood next to the symbol refers to the body of the tree. Xu Kai Note "First, remember the Department also." The original meaning of the fundamental, the main, foundation. Books, versions, scripts, costs, capital, and so on. (2) To act as a pronoun, as in accordance with. As an adverb means originally, the original.
本 Ⅲ (名) ① the root or stem of a plant ② foundation; basis; origin ③ capital; principal ④ book ⑤ edition; version Ⅱ (形) ① original ② one's own ③ this; Based on IV (volume) ①for books, albums, etc. ② (film) reel

At the end of the word refers to things. Wood refers to trees, in the upper part of a cross-section of wood, said tree ends. "Said the text" Note "wood on the end. From the wood, one on it." At the end of the tree refers to the top, commonly known as the tree tip. The end of things also refers to the tip or end. Extended debris, fine powder, secondary, and so the final.

End (last name) ① tip; end ② end; last stage ③ non-essentials; minor details ④ powder; dust

In the human buttocks plus a semicircle symbol, is the buttocks. In animal hips plus one tail, it means tail.
Buttock bone painting side of the person, the hip prominent half round, indicating the buttocks. Refers to the back of the hind leg of the upper part of the connection with the waist parts, commonly known as the buttocks. "
Buttocks (also: buttocks)
② end; last stage ③ non-essentials; minor details ④ powder; dust

Tail bone as sideways humanoid, the rear has a tail. "Said the text" Note: "Micro also. From the inverted hair, after the corpse. Ancient or decorated tail, Southwest Yi is also." Tail for the ancients of a decorative - tail ornaments, also refers to the tail. By means of a small part other than the main part, or the end of the development stage, for the performance refers to the end. As a quantifier, with the number of fish mantissa.

Tail I (name) ① tail ② end ③ remaining part; remainant Ⅱ (amount) for fish

The second is in the pictographic symbol minus a symbolic symbol of the word, also known as the word. For example, the bird subtracts the eye from the point of view, and becomes the black of the crow, because the black body of the raven is black, and the eye is blended with the black, subtracting the point of the eye.
Uwu is pictographic characters. The difference between black and birds is the eye. The ancients observed Xiaobiao eyes were not significant. "Said the text" Note: "Xiaobiao also. Pictograms, Confucius said: Wu Xu call also take its help gas, so that Ukraine call." Wunai is a bird, son can feed back, commonly known as old or old crow. Wu mouth breath of breath, like the hair of the word "alas", so by the interjection. A pronoun, as of a place or thing. For rhetorical question, the equivalent of "where?" "How?"
Black (also: black);

Third, there is a symmetrical form refers to the word. It indicates the dual nature of things, such as the upper and lower, ping-pong and pong, and larvae.
Oracle refers to things on the word. A long horizontal in the next, plus a short on that. "Said the text" Note: "High also. This ancient text, refers to things also." On the meaning of high, refers to the location of the higher, and "lower" relative. On that people or things with the action from low to high. Indicates the top or surface of an object. Also said that within the scope of a thing, or that a particular aspect. By referring to the order of the former, the higher the level, superior quality. Extend, advance, publish, record. Putonghua on the sound for the third sound, the symbol is V.
Last ⑥ first (part) preceding previous ⑥ go to; leave for ⑦ go up; get on ⑧ set; fix ⑨ apply; Paint; smear

Under Oracle refers to the word. On a cross, next to a short side to indicate the next. "Said the text" Note: "The end also. That things." Under is low, in the next position is low. And "on" relative. Extended, low, inferior, inferior, inferior, inferior, inferior, inferior. Release, release, drop, drop, put, put, use, remove, remove, etc., by means of referring to, exiting, leaving, ending. As the quantifier, for the number of actions.

(3) fall (3) fall (3) fall (3) fall (3) fall down; under; below II (shape) ① lower; inferior ② next; Ⅴused after a verb as a complement

