
《汉字解码学》六、假借组字法 Sixth, under the guise of the word method

 [] a suffix
多么 [duo me] []how
怎么 [dsen me] why; how
这么 [dze me] such; so; in this way

什么 [szen me] what


 []()  older; elder; senior  eldest; oldest () chief; head ()  grow; develop  come into being; begin to grow; form  acquire; enhance; increase

   甲骨文令与命同为一字。令象发出号令之形。上为铃身,下铃铛。《说文》注:“令,发号也。” 徐铉注:“号令者,集而为之节制也。”令是指节制号令众人。



()  right; correct  like that () but; however; nevertheless


Sixth, under the guise of the word method. In Chinese characters, some words are difficult to make, for example, some very abstract words, some words used as a function word, the use of pictographic, pointing, knowing, phonetic, to note the method can not be expressed.
    Why "Mody" word, its prototype refers to the stone "grinding", like the upper and lower two rubble stacked shape. Stone and Ma will be combined after the word for the formation of sound-shaped word, has become a "grinding" word. Mody by the grinding of the word under the guise of borrowed.
What is the phonetic word. What for the character, like a stone above the fan and the next fan. Ma is the sound symbol. Xu Xuan Note: "fine also. From what, Ma sound." There are two upper and lower millstone, the film has a groove, grain staggered by grinding groove from fine, so grinding with "fine" meaning. As "interrogative", "so", "so", "what", "how" and "how".
What is it?
How  [sigh] how
How  why; how
So   such; so; in this way

What what

    Growth of the "long" word, but also difficult to express the word, on the premise of the length of the "long"
Long Oracle as long hair Zhu stick old shape. "Shuowen" Note: "Long also. From Wu, from the seven. Wu who, lofty meaning also. Long time is changing. Death sound. Death, death also." Xu Xuan Note: "death, death also. The meaning is also. "Long for a long time, far away. Long also refers to the length, and "short" relative. Here to borrow, read zhǎng sound, referring to long and young long, but also refers to the growth of the long. Also refers to the first, leader, responsible person. Extended to enhance, enhance.

 Let the prototype is the bell of the "bell", for the bell cover, under the bell. After the word and the word will be combined with the word group for the phonetic characters, as the bell bell. "Order" under the guise of the order.
Order to make the same with the word Oracle. Let the command as the shape. On the bell body, under the bell. Xu Wen Note: "command, set and the restraint also." "Order is to control all orders."

However, the word is the fire barbecue, fire pouring (drops) of oil is natural. Meat on the right, the fire on the left (the dog is falsely written), the bottom is the fire. After it into phonetic characters, and then in the next to add a "fire" is dedicated to burning "burning." "Ran" on the assumption that "However," of course, naturally, is still natural.
However, the word is knowing the word. By the fire, meat, fire, composed of three, indicating the fire on the pork, knowing burning. Fire for the character. From the fire, sound. "" However, or from the grass, it is difficult. "However, referring to burning. Borrowed as pronouns, conjunctions, adjectives, the other for the burning word instead of the original meaning of the word. The suffix, the state of things or actions, such as sudden, accidental and so on. As an adjective, to describe "right" or "right." As a conjunction, that a turning point, equivalent to "However," "But.
 ① right; correct ② like that      (even) but; however; nevertheless

    This is a clever way to borrow. The ancient Chinese people, with their ingenuity, solve these problems.

