
《汉字解码学》23 “耒”是掘土的原始农具 23 "Lei" is the original farm digging tools.

《汉字解码学》23  “耒”是掘土的原始农具。

1  耜   《说文》注:“臿也。”耜是古代农具耒前端之铲土部分,相当于后来之犁铧。


 2 耕  耕是会意字。以耒(农具)在井田中犁地为耕。《说文》注:“犁也。从耒,井声。一曰古者井田。”耕义为犁田。比喻致力于某种事业。

 [] () plough; till

3  耙   耙是形声字。耒为形符;巴为声符。耙作动词,指耙平、打碎。作名词,指打碎平整土块之农具耙子。

() harrow ()draw a harrow over (a field); harrow a field

23 "Lei" is the original farm digging tools.
Lei Lei is knowing the word. "Said the text" Note: "Hand-farming wood also. From the wood to push the abundance. The ancient vertical plow to plow people with vibration." Lei to hand "push Feng" cropland farm tools, "hand" refers to the following two oblique Is the ancient Chinese characters, "Feng" is a three-wood curved wood, three cross-wood or hand-held sets of rope where the rope. In ancient times (more than 4,000 years ago), the minister of Shen Nong's ancestors invented the plow to increase productivity, revitalize the agriculture, people's lives improved greatly.
"Plow" powered by

To Lei as the basis, the Chinese characters there plow, tillage, harrow, 薅, 耥, hoe and other "Lei" side word. E.g:
1 plow "Shuowen" Note: "臿 also." The plow is the ancient agricultural tools of the front part of the shovel soil, the equivalent of later plow.

"Plow" powered by

 2 farming is knowing the word. To Lei (farm tools) in the field plowing for farming. "Said the text" Note: "plow also. From Lei, well sound. One said ancient well field." Geng Yi as plowing field. Analogy is committed to a cause.

Plow (also: plow)

3 rake is a phonetic word. Lei as a symbol; Pakistan for the sound symbol. A rake is a verb. As a noun, refers to the smashing soil clods of the rake.

"Harrow" powered by. Harrow harrow

