
《汉字解码学》19 “畜”是农业生产上的一大进步 19 "Livestock" is a major advance in agricultural production.

《汉字解码学》19  “畜”是农业生产上的一大进步。进入农耕时代,靠自然的地力,刀耕火种,只能维持1-3年。没有肥料,就没有地力,就没有进行再生产的可能。古人在生产实践中,实行猪、羊、牛的“畜”养,使农业进入了一个新的发展阶段。早在4000年的夏代,中国的养羊业已经发展。
 () domestic animal; livestock


19 "Livestock" is a major advance in agricultural production. Into the farming era, relying on natural fertility, slash and burn, can only be maintained for 1-3 years. Without fertilizer, there is no fertility, there is no possibility of reproduction. The ancients in the production practice, the implementation of pigs, sheep, cattle "livestock" support, so that agriculture has entered a new stage of development.
Animal oracle bone as a fence to raise livestock form. "Said the text" Note: "livestock also." "Huainanzi" said: "Xuan Tian as livestock." Animal domesticated livestock domesticated animals. As a verb, referring to keeping.
Domestic animal;

Xuan Tian for the livestock, is to establish a fence, the livestock circle in the ground, grazing during the day, at night, on the spot manure. Fence a few days to move another, fertility soil fertility.

