
《汉字解码学》29 “事”反映了古人结绳记事的历史事实 29 "things" reflects the historical facts of the ancients knot rope.

《汉字解码学》29 “事”反映了古人结绳记事的历史事实。“事”字中间的一长线,指的是绳。由上而下,上面一横与绳交为十字,表示早已过去的事情。中间一方形在两个点上结于绳上,表示刚完结的若干事情 。下面是一只手的三个手指交结于绳上,表示当前正在做的事情。

()  matter; affair; thing; business  trouble; accident  job; work  responsibility; involvement () be engaged in

 []() rope; cord; string () restrict; restrain


 []()  tie; knit; knot; weave  congeal; form; forge; cement  settle; conclude () knot

29 "things" reflects the historical facts of the ancients knot rope. The long line in the middle of the word refers to the rope. From top to bottom, the top cross with a rope cross, that things have long past. The middle square knotted at two points on the rope, indicating a number of things just finished. Here is a hand of the three fingers crossed on the rope, that is currently doing.

Things like a hand-written or hand-held briar deacon. Knowing to engage. Bu Shi things and history with the word. "Said the text" Note: "The staff also from the history of the province of sound." Things that things, but also refers to the official position. Extended, engaged, served, served, responsibilities, relationships, facts. Everything must be an accident, it is by means of disaster, accident.
Affair; thing ② business;

Rope is knowing the word, in the past has been mistaken for a phonetic word. Shito for the character, said the rope. Strider is also a character, seal characters strider word, like a multi-knot of the rope. Bend the top kink, and then to the right for the next bend, the left bend, and finally to the bottom of a curve upturned, this is not what we usually see a number of knots and play the winding rope? . "Said the text" Note: "rope also from the Shito, flies provincial sound." Rope justice for the rope, rope. Extended rules, standards. As a verb, referring to correction, sanctions.
Rope [rope] Ⅰ (名) rope; cord; string Ⅱ (动) restrict; restrain

Knot is knowing the word, and later changed to the phonetic word. "Said the text" Note: "Association also. From Shito, Kyrgyzstan sound." Results for the knot, the Department of lumps, that is, with rope rope knot. Extended condensation, freezing, combining and so on. Combined with complete, said the knot. A written acknowledgment or guarantee of responsibility. A certain stage of the final state of development and changes in things, said the results.

Knot; knot; weave ② congeal; form; forge; cement ③ settle; conclusion Ⅱ (名) knot

