
《汉字解码学》 3 “神”的崇拜,是怎样开始的? 3 "God" worship, is how to start?

3  “神”的崇拜,是怎样开始的?

 []() electricity; telegram; cable () give or get an electric shock


 () state; express; explain


()  god; deity  spirit; mind expression; look () supernatural; magica

3 "God" worship, is how to start?
    The introduction of Buddha worship in China 2000 years of history, the worship of God spread to China only a few hundred years of history. However, the worship of God in China, there are thousands of years of history. There are Jade Emperor in the sky, there are land on the ground Buddha, the water there are four seas Dragon King, the ground floor of ten Yan Luo. There are too Laojun, Queen Mother, Guanyin Tuas, Manjusri, Bodhisattva, to Tibet and many other gods.
    How did the earliest worship of God begin? According to legend, after 8000 years of Chinese writing is the most convincing evidence. According to the study of the seal, the earliest should be from the "power" began.

Electric oracle bones like lightning. Power and Shen with the word. "Said the text" Note: "yin and yang, also from the rain, from the Shen." Electricity is the cloud in the yin and yang charge phase generated by the phenomenon of discharge, called lightning. Electricity is one of the substances in the existence of energy, can issue light and heat, generate power. The ancients from the yin and yang in the sky of the collision discharge phenomenon, the understanding of electricity is not just a phenomenon, but a substance, it is the image of the text for the table. As a verb, referring to electric shock, current blow. As a noun, means telegraph, telephone, telex, power plants, electric lights, electronics.
1. electric power 2. electric power 2. electric power

Let us look at Shenzi:
The application of bones and arrows as lightning. The ancients observed nature, see the lightning-like shape, cited as God. "Shuo Wen" Note: "Shen, God also. July into the air, the body from the beam, from the mortar, self-sustaining." Shen for the state of movement of lightning, so the original meaning of extension. After the show next to God, Shen is used as a verb, refers to the smooth, stretch. Statements, representations, representations, etc.

State; express; explain

The ancients observed nature, see the lightning-like shape, cited as God. The meaning of God is:
God Oracle to lightning for God. Shen is electricity, interpretation of God. God said that the gods, is to promote the world of life and death of the supreme changes in life and death. By means of mysterious unpredictable, magical superb. God also refers to the human spirit, energy, attention and inner activities. Medical refers to the nerve, that is, animals to convey consciousness and movement of the organization.

Deity ② spirit; mind ③ expression; look Ⅱ (形) supernatural; magica

