
《汉字解码学》1 记录母系社会的文字“活化石”---"姓" Record the text of matriarchal society "living fossil" --- name

1  记录母系社会的文字“活化石”---"姓"

 () surname; family name



大约在四、五万年前,当由古人进化为新人时,中国原始社会就进入了母系氏族社会,在考古学上属于旧石器时代晚期。  到距今大约一万年左右时,在考古学上属于中石器时代或属于新石器时代初期,母系氏族公社向前迈进了一步,到了距现在大约六七千年时,达到了繁荣时期。 



Record the text of matriarchal society "living fossil" --- name
       Since man appeared on the earth, after a period of chaotic life, he entered the matriarchal society. Matriarchal society experienced a very long time. At that time, people are in accordance with the mother's surname for the family name.

Surname Oracle consists of "female" and "raw" word, said the clan name, which reflects the creation of this word when China is matriarchal society. "Said the text" Note: "People born also ... ... from the female, from the students, students also sound." Family name was born name. The surname is the family name of the sign family.

Matriarchal society is the maternal lineage descent and inheritance of the clan system of property, is the first phase of the clan society. In the late matriarchal system, which is the early Neolithic, this stage of the system has greatly improved tools, and the invention of the bow and arrow. Its production department
The doors are mainly gathered and hunted. People learn to sew animal skins, resulting in the original aesthetic concepts and religion. At the same time, the emergence of a foreign marriage, the formation of an old grandmother at the core of the clan system. As a woman in the production of the important position, it will determine the female-centered matriarchal clan system.
In the matriarchal system is prohibited when the formation of marriage, the clan members of the group outside the group marriage. Because the implementation of family marriages, children follow the mother, so there is no fatherless country. In the primitive society of limited life, the clan is the basis of people's survival, kinship is to maintain the ties of the clan members, mutual protection, according to sex and age division of labor. Young men served as hunting, fishing and defense of the beast and other tasks; women as collecting food, barbecue food, sewing clothes, raising young and old and other heavy tasks; the elderly and children engaged in ancillary labor.
From the simple division of labor, it is not difficult to see that women engaged in hunting duties than men engaged in a more stable nature, is a reliable source of life, of great significance. They are important members of the clan organization, their activities are for the interests of the clan collective, has important social significance, to maintain the clan's survival and reproduction plays a very important role, therefore, women in the clan commune occupies an important Status, universal attention.
The typical form of matriarchal communes around the world has largely vanished before the advent of written history, but its remnants remain in class society. In the modern tribal peoples, only a few in the matriarchal clan phase, such as the North American Indians Iroquois tribes. In the matriarchal stage, women engaged in gathering and primitive agriculture, preparing daily food and clothing and housework, in the social and economic life plays an important role. Female male group marriage is a dual marriage, his wife his mother to live in their own home, or husband wife home, combined with instability. The clan has a council, is the supreme authority of the clan, decided to all major matters, elected clan chiefs. All adult men and women in the clan may attend the council. The patriarchs are generally older women.
In China, the matriarchal society during the prosperity of the cultural relics throughout the north and south, the main representatives of Peiligang culture, magnetic mountain culture, Yangshao culture, Hemudu culture, Majiayao culture, Qujialing culture and fine stone culture and so on. Matriarchal society entered the development period. The Mesolithic is the transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic. To date, archaeological data on the Mesolithic remains relatively scarce. In the Neolithic Age, mankind explored new techniques of grinding stone tools on the basis of stone tools, and invented primitive agriculture, animal husbandry, pottery and textile industry, and leather processing and sewing techniques. The original handicrafts and sideline and many more.
In addition to living in natural caves, humans began to build houses. In the river valley platform water source convenience, gradually formed villages. People began to settle in life. Primitive aesthetic and religious ideas continue to develop and produce the earliest symbols of writing.
About forty to fifty thousand years ago, when the ancients evolved into newcomers, Chinese primitive society entered the matriarchal clan society, in archaeological belong to the late Paleolithic. To about ten thousand years ago, in the archaeological belong to the Neolithic Age or the early Neolithic, matriarchal commune a step forward, to the present about six or seven thousand years, reached a period of prosperity.
The matriarchal clan is maintained by a matrilineal lineage, and is transmitted by a matrilineal relationship, that is, from the grandmother to the mother,
Pro-passed to her daughter, from daughter to granddaughter, and so on, never-ending. In Yongning Naxi also retains a daughter is not cut off roots, but only a son is cut off, we must adopt the girl as heir. Yangshao culture in the remnants of some children have been found buried with the mother of the phenomenon of mother-child relationship is very close reflection.
The first clan, regardless of sex, she or he belongs to the mother's clan, and not to her or his father's clan. The father is a person other than a clan. At that time people believe that the clan and a certain animal, plant or creature have a certain blood relationship; people regard the material as their ancestors, this is the totem. Some ancient surnames originated from totem, and from the female word. Such as Jane Dittle bird of the egg and the Health and deeds (Shang ancestors), today there are still chicken eggs as "chicken", businessman to the child as the name. Jiang Gou walking giant traces of Health Zhou Zhaozu abandoned, Zhou to Ji (trace) for the name. The ancestors of the first Qin Xiu bird swallowed the eggs of Health and the great cause, as the winner's. This is their matriarchal and a combination of totem and the witness of human beings, is no reflection of his fatherless husband. The ancient surnames, such as ginger, Yao, Gui, An, Yan, Lou, 嫪, 妘, etc., and more from the female word next to the surname itself is composed of female students, this is the surname from the female, Reflecting the Calculation of Blood. Women play an important role in production.
In the original division of labor, men engaged in hunting and fishing activities, women engaged in gathering activities, fishing activities than fishing harvest stable, for the clan life. Women in the long-term collection activities, found the conditions for plant growth and maturity, after repeated practice, repeated knowledge of the law of crop growth with the understanding, and finally by the women found in agriculture, in the north from the foxtail millet, In the south, rice was cultivated from wild rice, and the time was six or seven thousand years ago. The hoe-farming of slash-and-burn farming was formed. Due to the development of agriculture, some grain-feeding animals could be squeezed out, and dogs, horses, , Chickens, pigs and other livestock, there has been animal husbandry.

At the same time, ceramics, weaving, etc., these activities mainly by women in the work, and men still largely retained in the hunting and fishing production, participate in agriculture, animal husbandry activities. Agriculture, animal husbandry, and, together with ancient collection activities, made women the principal seekers and processors of subsistence. At the same time, women were the bearers of managing the shelter, protecting the fire, raising children, engaging in ceramics, textiles and sewing, which were stable, important and broad in terms of men's hunting and fishing activities, In the whole social and economic activities play a leading role. This is the basis for respect for women and matriarchal societies.

