
《汉字解码学》7 “去”是指人从半地穴式房屋走出去 7 "Go" refers to people from the semi-crypt type house to go out.

《汉字解码学》7  “去”是指人从半地穴式房屋走出去。1982年5月,我去西安半坡遗址参观,亲眼见到了6000年多前人们居住的半地穴式的遗迹。
()  go; leave  remove; get rid of  be apart from() the one before this   used after a verb to indicate an action taking place at some distance from the speaker  used before a verb to indicate that an action is to take place

7 "Go" refers to people from the semi-crypt type house to go out. In May 1982, I went to Xi'an Banpo site visits, witnessed more than 6,000 years ago, people live in the semi-crypt type relics.
    Banpo ruins located in Shaanxi Province, Baqiao District Banpo Village, is located in the lower reaches of the Chan River on the right side of the loess covered the two terraces, back to the White Deer plateau, 800 meters away from the river bed. Banpo ruins of China's Yellow River Basin Neolithic Yangshao culture of the typical village sites, has been six or seven thousand years of history.
    Banpo ruins in the spring of 1954 was found, the site area of ​​about 50000 square meters, measured by carbon 14 years ago 6800 to 5300 years ago. 1954 to 1957, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Archeology has carried out five large-scale excavations, to explore an area of ​​10,000 square meters. [1]
    On the basis of archaeological excavations in 1957, built on the spot Banpo Museum in Xi'an, built in April 1958 and officially opened to the outside world, is China's first Neolithic Site Museum, is also the first new prehistoric settlement sites Museum . Museum area of ​​about 3,000 square meters, a semi-crypt type houses, cellar hole, circle and the role of protection and flood discharge from the ditch and other sites, more complete preservation of Banpo primitive society of the original village.
    "To" the word above is to start with his hands, legs walk the humanoid, below a concave, like semi-crypt export. This is more than 6,000 years ago to create "to" a vivid portrayal:
Go to the Oracle as a man left the cave shape. "Said the text" Note: "People contrary to it." To justice for people to leave. Distance, difference, removal, loss and so on. To "and" to "relative. Used in large, multi, far and other words, the "pole" "very" meaning.

① used go to leave an object to be taken from  
② Indicate that an action is to take place

