
《汉字解码学》27 “兆”是占卜结果的显示。 27 "trillion" is the divination of the results show.

《汉字解码学》27  “兆”是占卜结果的显示。
   甲骨文象古时在龟甲上烧灼出现裂纹之形(右有弯曲一划,二直划:左有弯曲一划,一直划。兆字的原形)。《说文》注:“灼龟坼也。从卜, 象形。”兆即卜兆,炙灼龟甲后所显现并据以占卜之裂纹。引申兆头、吉兆、凶兆等。作动词,指预先显示。作数词,兆为一百万,古代指万亿,形容极多极多。兆赫,每秒钟震动100万次为一兆赫,
() sign; omen; portent ()  million; mega-  a million millions; billion () portend; foretell

27 "trillion" is the divination of the results show.
Megabox as in ancient tortoise shells on the burning of the shape of a crack (right there is a bend of the plan, two straight: left a bend a stroke, has been designated. Trillion word prototype). "Shuo Wen" Note: "Burning turtle 坼 also. From the Bu, pictographic." Trillion trillion that is, after the shelling of the shells, and according to the divination of the crack. Extended oath, auspicious, omen and so on. As a verb. For the numerals, trillion for one million, refers to the ancient trillion, described as extremely many. Megahertz, 1 million times per second vibration of a megahertz,
Meg (a) million; port Ⅲ (motion) portend; foretell

