
《汉字解码学》 2 “送”火,是古代社会最盛大的送礼。 2 "send" fire, the ancient society of the grandest gift.

2  “送”火,是古代社会最盛大的送礼。我们是现代人,送礼多是送花、送水果、送糖果、送肉、送手饰、送器皿、送汽车、送钞票。古人和我们的需求不一样,他们最需要的是火。送火,就是送温暖,送一种新的生活方式。这种礼仪,在古代是最大的礼仪。这种礼物,是最尊贵的礼物。

 ()  deliver; carry  give as a present; give  see sb. off or out; accompany; escort


2 "send" fire, the ancient society of the grandest gift. 
We are modern, gifts are mostly flowers, send fruit, send candy, send meat, send jewelry, send utensils, send cars, send money. The ancients and our needs are not the same, they are most in need of fire. To send fire is to send a warm, send a new way of life. This ritual, in ancient times is the greatest ritual. This gift is the most noble gift.
    Chinese characters, the "send" the password composition, just to record the fact:

Send is knowing the word. Like hands holding a fire to send fire-shaped fast-step. "Said the text" Note: "The removal also." In ancient times, the fire is very valuable, people often hold fire and walk away. The original meaning sent to, gift. Extended to send, removal and so on. Send also has anti-meaning, meaningless, worthless to pay or loss, also known as sending, such as death, ruin and so on.
Give (a) (1) deliver (a move) ① deliver; carry ② give as a present; give ③ see sb. Off or out;

Oracle's "send" word has not yet been found. Zhou Wen and seal the book are holding the fire with both hands to send fire-shaped fast-step. Some people will interpret the word sent to send the umbrella, but at the time there is no umbrella production, "Shuowen Jiezi" no umbrella word, but to the Song Dynasty Xu Xuan was added Notes.

