
《汉字解码学》44 “衣”是由野蛮走向文明的标识之一 "clothing" is one of the signs from the savage toward civilization.

《汉字解码学》44  “衣”是由野蛮走向文明的标识之一。

衣   甲骨文象人衣服之形。《说文》注:“依也。上曰衣,下曰裳。象覆二人之形。”衣是衣服,是人依靠它蔽体御寒之东西。上身所穿称衣,下身所著称裳。泛指形似衣且包裹于物体外部之物。
 ( clothing; clothes; garment coating; covering


《傅䣥·衣铭》说:衣服从其仪,君子德也。衣以饰外,德以饰内。 又丝衣,祭服也。衣服是人的仪表,其内涵蕴育了人的道德。普通人穿着麻布衣服,举行祭祀的人要穿着丝织的礼服。
《千字文》说:天地玄黄 宇宙洪荒
日月盈昃 辰宿列张
寒来暑往 秋收冬藏
闰余成岁 律吕调阳
龙师火帝 鸟官人皇
始制文字 乃服衣裳
推位让国 有虞陶唐

44 "clothing" is one of the signs from the savage toward civilization.

Armor bones as the shape of clothes. "Said the text" Note: "According to also. Said Yue Yi, the next said Sang. Like the two-shaped cover." Clothes are clothes, people rely on it to cover the cold things. Upper body worn by the clothing, known as the lower body Sang. Refers to the shape of clothing and wrapped in objects outside the object.

Clothing (clothing); clothing (clothing);

Flax was the earliest material used to make garments, and the use of hemp was later than flax. When does mankind begin to make clothes?
"Wikipedia" view is: If calculated in accordance with the population ratio, almost all of today's human beings are dressed. But it is difficult to consider when humans began to wear clothes. In natural conditions, ordinary clothing only takes decades to decompose, so it is difficult to obtain relevant information archeology. Today, the knowledge of prehistoric history is based on clothing may be used to make clothing tools, primitive portraits and even biological evidence derived from indirect evidence. Mitochondrial DNA testing by a louse that lives in human clothes at the beginning of the 21st century showed that the organism was isolated from lice that had been parasitized in human hair more than 7.2 (± 4.2) years ago. It is deduced that human beings began to wear garments for a long time about 100,000 years ago, which is close to the hypothesis of human origin in Africa. According to this hypothesis, a highly intelligent human 10 million years ago from Africa to leave, into the relatively cold Eurasian region. [4] It has been discovered that the needle-like tool was first introduced in the Russian area of ​​30,000 years BC [5] The skins were probably the earliest and the easiest to make, using leaves, bark and vines Later, as for the preparation of fiber cloth, and then make cloth clothes is more complex. Among the various plant fibers, flax is the earliest for the preparation of clothing. And the earliest known flax fiber appeared in the 36,000 years ago Georgia.

When did the Chinese clothes come into being? "World" said: Hu Cao clothes. When the Yellow Emperor. That is to say, the Yellow Emperor when a man named Hu Cao who invented the clothes.
"Easy copulative" also said: the Yellow Emperor, Yao, Shun clothes, and the world governance, cover take all Kun. That is to say, from the Yellow Emperor to Tang Yao, Shun, the implementation of civilization, the world rule.
"Fu Yi Ming clothing," said: clothes from the instrument, a gentleman Germany also. Clothing to decorated outside, Germany to decorated inside. Also silk clothing, festival service also. Clothing is a human instrument, its meaning breeds people's morality. Ordinary people wearing linen clothes, people who worship to wear silk dress.
"Thousand character text," said: heaven and earth Xuan Huang universe prehistoric
Huang, to the color also; Hung, big also; shortage, far also; vast universe boundless.
The sun and the moon Ying Chen list
The sun is there are oblique, the moon is missing a round; stars covered in the boundless space.
Han Lai Shu to the winter harvest
Cold and heat cycle change, came and went, went again; fall busy harvest, winter, busy storage.
Leap over into the age of law Lu Tiao-yang
Accumulation of a few years of leap into more than a month, on the leap year; the ancients used six laws to regulate the yin and yang Lu.
Dragon Fire Emperor Imperial official Wong
Dragon division, fire emperor, bird officer, who Huang: This is the ancient imperial officials.
Before the text is clothes clothes
With Cang Jie, began to create the text, with Lei Zu, people only wear a cover body clothes.
Pushing the state-owned Yu Tao Tao
Tang Yao, Yushun wise and selfless, take the initiative to the emperor to the meritorious sage.

Above text: text, clothes, ethics is a symbol of civilization.

