
《汉字解码学》25 “示”是古人对天神的崇敬 25 "show" is the ancient worship of the gods.

《汉字解码学》25 “示”是古人对天神的崇敬。一,示意天,一上再一横划,指九重天。天神以日、月、星的变化,示人以吉凶祸福。
 () show; notify; instruct

1   祗   祗是形声字。示为形符;为声符。《说文》注:“敬也,从示,声。“祗义为恭敬。古代祭神,必须心诚而恭敬。此字与祇(qí)不同,祇指地神。

(动)respect; bribute

2   祀   甲骨文象人跪于神祗牌位之前祀天之形。《说文》注:“祭天巳也。从示,巳声。”祀义为祭祀,又指祭祀之场所。殷人大型祭祀活动一年一次,年年如此,故祀又引申指年,或指世、代。

 () offer sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead

3   祈   甲骨文象祭祀所用之标识上挂有饰物之形。《说文》注:“求福也。从示,斤声。”祈义为向上天或鬼神、祈祷、求福。引申请求、恳求、乞求。

 () pray; entreat


4   禳   禳是形声字。示为形符;襄为声符。《说文》注:“磔禳祀,除疠殃也。从示,襄声。”禳为祭名,磔牲以攘除邪殃。磔牲即分裂牲体。此种祭祀方式是古时燧人氏为其子行祭消灾去祸所创始。禳作动词,指祈求神灵。引申禳解、禳除。

 () avert (a misfortune or disaster by prayers)

5   祷    甲骨文象二口交互求告之形。《说文》注:“告事求福也。从示,寿声。”祷义为因事向神祝告求福,如祈祷、祷告、祝祷等。

 []( pray  beg ask earnestly

6     禅是形声字。示为形符;单为声符。《说文》注:“祭天也。从示,单声。”中国古代君王将王位传让于贤者,并举行祭天仪式,称禅让。引申替代。读chán则为佛教用语。
 [禅让 [szan rang] () abdicate the throne (in favour of another person) 

25 "show" is the ancient worship of the gods. First, indicating days, one on a cross-plan, referring to the nine heavy days. God to day, month, star changes, showing good and bad fortune to people.
Oracle as the image of days like the shape. Concrete also refers to the worship, but also refers to the sacrificial altar. "Said the text" Note: "days like the sky, see good and bad, so that people are also from the two (two, the ancient text on the word), three vertical stars on the view." Astronomy to observe the time change. The original meaning of show, show, worship. Extended instructions, instructions, demonstrations, demonstrations, and so on.
Show (动) show; notify; instruct

And "show" a lot of directly related to Chinese characters, for example;
1 is only a phonetic word. Shown for the character; Di for the sound symbol. "Said the text" Note: "King also, from the show, Di sound." Only as respectful. Ancient ritual, must be sincere and respectful. This word and only (qí) is different, referring only to God.

(Only) respect;

2 worship of bone like a man kneeling in God only tablets before the worship of heaven-shaped. "Said the text" Note: "worship days have also. From the show, has been sound." Shifu for worship, but also refers to the place of worship. Yin large sacrificial activities once a year, so every year, it also extended the meaning of Si-year, or the world, generation.

Offer sacrifices to the gods or the spirits of the dead

3 pray Oracle Bone Sacrifices used in the logo on the shape of the ornaments. "Said the text" Note: "Qiufu also from the show, Jin sound." I pray for justice to heaven or spirits, prayer, and blessing. Request, beg, beg.


4 assert assertion is the phonetic word. Shown as a symbol; Xiang as a symbol. "Said the text" Note: "磔 assassination, in addition to the pestilence is also from the show, Xiang sound." Assert the sacrifice of the name, 磔 sacrifice in addition to evil in addition to evil. The sacrifice is the division of the body. This kind of sacrificial way is the ancient Suiren Shi for his son line offering disaster disaster to disaster. Assert as a verb, refers to pray for gods. Extended Mishu solution, in addition to limit.

Avert (a misfortune or disaster by prayers)

5 prayer oracle bone as a two-mouth interactive call of the shape. "Said the text" Note: "pray for the blessing also from the show, Shou-sheng." Prayer for the sake of things to God for blessing, such as prayer, prayer, prayer and so on.

"Prayer": (of prayer)

6 Zen is the phonetic word. Shown as a symbol; "Said the text" Note: "Heaven also from the show, monosyllable." Ancient Chinese king will pass on the throne in the Sage, and held a ceremony for the sacrifice, saying the meditation. Extended substitution. Reading chán compared to Buddhist terms.

Zen [Zen] Zen [szan rang] (动) abdicate the throne (in favor of another person)

