
《汉字解码学》6 “穴”是人们最早的居所 6 "hole" is the earliest residence.

《汉字解码学》6 “穴”是人们最早的居所。
 ()  cave; den; hole aperture


 ()  hole; cave  den

 () window

 () cellar or pit for storing things

6 "hole" is the earliest residence.
Cave oracle bone as the shape of the cave. "Said the text" Note: "earth chamber also." This refers to the ancient human habitation cave or soil chamber. Refers to the hole kiln, hole, also refers to the animal's nest, buried materials such as the pit. Extended refers to the bad guys entrenched hiding place. Chinese medicine refers to acupuncture points.
"Cave" "cave" Chinese translation ( "cave" in Chinese, "cave"

The cave has a natural cave, but also for the transformation of the cave. Chinese characters of the "hole" word, a small ventilation on the mouth, under the modified door, it is called "earth chamber", which is the first human habitation. Chinese characters that reflect this situation include:

Cave is knowing the word, from the hole, corpse, a three-part. Point refers to the cave, corpse is the human body, out of people (or animals) access. "Shuo Wen" Note: "Rabbit Hori. From the soil, bow." Cave refers to the rabbit cave, this range is very small. As a person's residence, refers to the earth chamber, cave, magic cave, cottage, gambling caves, slums and so on.
Cave n

The window is knowing the word, but also phonetic characters. Ancient text cave as the sunroof of the shape. "Said the text" Note: "The hole also, from the hole, Hang sound." Window refers to the windows, housing ventilation, ventilation, light of the hole. Windows also refers to the premises, travel, aircraft windows. Extended Window.

Window noun} Similar terms for

Cellar is a phonetic word. Acupuncture points for the character; "Said the text" Note: "possession of also from the hole, tell the sound." Pit that the storage of crypts.6000 years ago, Xi'an Banpo ruins, there is the cellar, is the best example.

Cellar or pit for storing things

