
解码汉字63 “琴”是最古老的弦乐器 63 "Piano" is the oldest string instrument

63  “是最古老的弦乐器     
   甲骨文还未见到琴字。篆书是象形字,象古琴之形,有一弧形的琴身、二琴弦。《说文》注:禁也。神农所作,洞越、练朱五弦,周加二弦。象形。琴为正人心、禁淫邪之乐器,炎帝神农氏所创造。琴腹中空而有二孔通向琴面,上有经练制之朱丝弦五根,至周代又增加二弦。琴是象形字,象琴首、身、尾之形。隶变作琴,从今得声。琴为弦乐器,琴身狭长,用拨子弹奏,以古 琴最早,现又作某些乐器之统称,如月琴、扬琴、风琴、钢琴等。
 [] () ① a general name for stringed instruments ② 钢琴 piano

在先秦时代,琴已很流行,如《书经》搏拊琴瑟以咏 《诗经》琴瑟在御,莫不静好。据现有的图象及文献资料,琴至迟在汉末时已大致定型为后世通用的形制。唐代制造的琴传存至今,与宋元明清时造的琴,仅有造形艺术风格上的区别和音色追求的区别。

63 "Piano" is the oldest string instrument

The piano has not seen the word. Seal book "piano" is pictographic characters, like the guqin shape, there is a curved body, two strings. "Said the text" Note: "ban also. Shennong made, the hole more, practicing Zhu string, Zhou plus two strings. Pictograms." Piano for the heart, prostitution of the instrument, Yan Emperor Shennong created. Piano hollow and have two holes leading to the piano, there are practiced Zhu silk string five, to the Zhou Dynasty and increase the two strings. The piano is a pictographic word, like a piano head, body, tail shape. Li played for the piano, from now the sound. The piano is a string instrument, the body is long and narrow, playing with a dial, to the earliest, is also known as some instruments, such as Yue piano, dulcimer, organ, piano and so on.
Piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano piano

"One of China's oldest plucked instruments, was called" guqin "at the beginning of this century. The creator of the piano has "Xi Fu Xi piano", "Shen Nong piano", "Shun for the strings of the song to sing the southerly wind" and so on, as the legend of the record, do not have to believe, but can see the piano in China has a long history.
In the pre-Qin era, the piano has been very popular, such as "Book of Economics": "stroke of the piano to chant"; "Book of Songs": "Qin Joseph in the Royal, no quiet." According to the existing images and literature, In the late Han Dynasty has been roughly stereotypes for the future generations of the shape. Tang Dynasty created piano from the present, and the Song and Yuan Dynasties and the founding of the piano, only the shape of the artistic style of the difference and the pursuit of the difference between tone.
    As early as the Confucius era, the piano became a compulsory instrument for the literati. For thousands of years, the piano was closely related to the life of the literati. Confucius, Cai Yong, Ji Kang and Su Shi were known for playing the piano. Piano music sacred and elegant, magnanimous super-elegant, the ancients used it to express feelings, sustenance ideal. Qin far beyond the meaning of music, a symbol of Chinese culture and ideal personality.
    From the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, guqin has its own dedicated notation, this notation records the chord and emblem, left and right hand playing method, but not directly record the pitch. It consists of the radicals of Chinese characters, figures and some subtitles made together, called the word reduction. Subtract the word record of the tone of the guqin music and scientific nature, so that modern terraced notation method still can not replace it. With the reduction of the word spectrum recorded and inherited the guqin spectrum has more than 150 kinds, save a lot of ancient music works, is our huge and precious music treasure.

    Guqin's playing method, notation, piano history, grammar, aesthetics and other aspects has long been an independent and complete system, known as the "piano". Its content is profound, is the representative of traditional Chinese music, but also reflects the Chinese philosophy, history, literature, the mirror. In the embodiment of the traditional Chinese culture of the ability, no one instrument can be compared with the guqin.

