
解码汉字82 "生"是指植物生长 82 "Health" meansplant growth

82  ""是指植物生长     
Ⅰ() ① give birth to; bear ② grow③ get Ⅱ() ① living ② unripe; green ③raw; uncooked ④ unprocessed; unrefined; crude ⑤ unfamiliar; unacquainted; strange ⑥ stiff; mechanical Ⅲ() extremely; very Ⅳ() ① existence; life ② livelihood ③ pupil; student

82 "Health" meansplant growth

The shape of vegetation growth. "Said the text" Note: "into the. As the vegetation born on the soil." Health refers to grow, grow. Life and "death" relative. To produce, to happen, to live, to survive. Refers to the biological, life. Ancient also refers to a learned, moral person, scholar. Students also as some special occupation or opera character division of the title. An adjective, an unprocessed, unfamiliar. As an adverb, refers to blunt, barely.
Ⅰ() ① give birth to; bear ② grow③ get Ⅱ() ① living ② unripe; green ③raw; uncooked ④ unprocessed; unrefined; crude ⑤ unfamiliar; unacquainted; strange ⑥ stiff; mechanical Ⅲ() extremely; very Ⅳ() ① existence; life ② livelihood ③ pupil; student

