
解码汉字80"毓"-在古代,母亲生孩子叫毓。毓与育同义。 80 "Yu" - in ancient times, the mother gave birth to a child called Yu.


 () bear; bring up

 ()  give birth to  rear; raise; bring up  educate

80 "Yu" - in ancient times, the mother gave birth to a child called Yu.

Yu-bao Wen Yu Yu and the same as the word. A woman looks like a woman. The child's head is down and dripping with amniotic fluid. Seal book for Yu, Yu from the province, plus meat for the sound symbol. The original meaning of fertility. Promote parenting. Adjective, refers to Yuk Sau.
Yuk (bear) bear;

Yomao Bone text woman birth child shape, fetal head down, and amniotic fluid outflow. "Said the text" Note: "adopted son to make good also from the cloud, meat sound." That is to cultivate children to make good, good things. Promote fertility, support, nurture, education, sports and so on. Education also refers to educational activities. Artificial methods to cultivate new varieties of plants and animals, known as breeding.

(1) give birth to

