
解码汉字79 "燮"是古人用火消毒针具或刀具 79 "sup [燮]" is the ancient people with fire disinfection needle or tool

79  ""是古人用火消毒针具或刀具    
燮 (动)be in harmonious proportion

79 "sup [燮]" is the ancient people with fire disinfection needle or tool

Like the later seal of the knife will be changed to words, future generations is difficult to understand.Now some places in the south, the south of the city, Also retained the "sup look" argument, "sup look" is "baked".
The shape of a needle or tool. "Xu said:" Xie word, righteousness is also from the inflammation from the other. 卽 孰 thing can hold also. "Sup, refers to the fire sterilization needle With or with tools. To reconcile reconciliation. Xie theory of yin and yang, that contains the righteousness.

[Sup] (moving) be in folk proportion

