
解码汉字94 "车",在中国,车的制造,已有4600年的历史. 94 "car", in China, the manufacture of cars, has a history of 4600 years.

94  "",在中国,车的制造,已有4600年的历史.   
 []Ⅰ() ① vehicle ② wheeled machine or instrument ③ machine Ⅱ() ① lathe; turn ② lift water by waterwheel
夏朝末年,商汤在伊尹的辅佐下,同样打起了恭行天之罚的旗号,作战中使用了更多的牲畜和战车、运输车,讨灭暴虐无道的昏君夏桀,建立了商朝(约公元前16世纪11世纪)。 商代战车的使用已经十分普遍,车辆制造技术也有很大提高,能够造相当精美的两轮车了。

94 "car", in China, the manufacture of cars, has a history of 4600 years.

The shape of an ancient chariot or trolley. "Said the text" Note: "the general name of the round. After the summer when Xi Zhong made. Pictograms." There are cars on the car under the car. It is said that Xia Yu for the monarch when the creation by the Xi Zhong. Pictographic characters, like its axis, round, the shape of the public. The car also refers to the use of axles to rotate the work of the machinery. Refers to the machine. A locomotive that cuts or a waterwheel. Car is also used as a quantifier.
Car [car] I (name) ① vehicle ② wheeled machine or instrument ③ machine Ⅱ (moving) ① lathe; turn ② lift water by waterwheel

 China is one of the earliest countries to use cars. According to legend, the Chinese people around 4600 years ago, the Yellow Emperor has created a car. About four thousand years ago the Xue tribe was famous for making cars. "Zuo Zhuan" that Xi tribe Xi Zhong served as Xia Chao (about the 21st century BC - the first 17 century) "car is" official. "Mozi", "Xunzi" and "Lu's Spring and Autumn" are described Xi Zhong made cars.
Xia Dynasty has entered a slave society, in its slave regime machine, animal husbandry is in charge of horse cattle breeding and use, car is in charge of chariot, transport car manufacturing, storage and use. It can be said that this car is and animal husbandry is, is our early competent traffic in charge of full-time administrative staff.
In the late summer of the Xia Dynasty, Shang Tang in Yi Yin's help, also played the "Christine day penalty" under the banner of fighting the use of more livestock and chariot, transport vehicles, , Established the Shang Dynasty (about the 16th century BC - the first 11th century). The use of the Shang Dynasty chariot has been very common, vehicle manufacturing technology has greatly improved, can make a very beautiful two-wheeled car.
Zhou Wu Wang off after the big seal princes, but also accept the recommendations of Zhou, the construction of Luo Yi, cut roads, manufacturing vehicles, the development of traffic. Western Zhou's vehicles have undergone major reforms. "Said the text" that the Shang Dynasty has three horse-drawn car, that the 骖; Zhou increased a, that the Si. Henan Junxian Xincun Zhou Tomb unearthed 12 cars, horse bone actually was 72, indicating that there are six horse-drawn car. Especially in the Spring and Autumn Period, the vehicle manufacturing industry has a faster development.
Pre-Qin era car, in general, is divided into "car", "cart" two categories. Driving horse, small car called "car", also known as light truck or car. Driving cattle, big car called "cart". Car in addition to the aristocracy travel, mainly for the war. Warring States, due to the development of the war, the number of chariot to become a national strength of the signs, the so-called "thousands of times the country", "multiplication of the country" argument.
Qin Shihuang unified China, the implementation of the "car with the track", the vehicle manufacturing technology and technology put forward higher requirements. Qin Shihuang five large-scale parade, the main means of transport is the carriage. Qin people on the carriage seems to have a special deep feelings, so far we can also leave from the Qin Dynasty terracotta warriors and horses, to see the chariot, chariot cars and other objects, see and real people almost equal height and horses Image. From the beginning of 1974 to explore the Qin Shi Huang Ling Terracotta Warriors and Horses, unearthed more than 800 warrior figurines, wooden chariot 18, pottery more than 100 horses, bronze weapons, car harness a total of more than 9,000 pieces. Such as the arrangement of troops and horses in the form of recovery, three pit warrior figurines may have 7,000, Sima chariot more than 100 vehicles, more than 1,000 horse horses. Terracotta warriors and horses of the huge lineup, the image of the Qin Jun to show the arms and weapons and other vehicles. 1980 unearthed two large painted copper car horse, the size of the real car for the horse 1/2. One car for the car, that is, before the ride by car. Long 2.25 meters, 1.52 meters high. Single-yun double yoke, set driving four horses, that is, two two two service. Car body was rectangular, car placed a round copper umbrella, umbrella under a royal horse figurines, both hands executive bridle [pèi Pei]. There are copper square pot, bow, ding, arrowheads, shield and so on. Four copper horse are decorated gold and silver head. Saddle on the number 29 text, a total of 49 words, are small Zhuan body. The second car for the car, that is, sitting by the car-shaped car. Body length of 3.28 meters, 1.04 meters high. Car compartment before and after the two rooms, the front room for the cab, there is a 跽 [jì] sitting in the Royal Horse figurines, waist saber, bridle front view. After the room for the main seat. There are oval covers on the compartment. Car is also a single wheel, before driving four copper horse. These precious cultural relics, completely mimic the real made, is an unprecedented archaeological discovery, reflecting our country more than 2,000 years ago wagon manufacturing superb skills.

                      (Source: Museum of Science and Art Digital)

