
解码汉字90 "卖",出售财物(贝)为卖. 90 "sell", sell property (shellfish) for sale.

90  "",出售财物()为卖.     
 [] () ① sell ② betray ③ make an effort

90 "sell", sell property (shellfish) for sale.

Selling is the word. Buy a word on the word, that sold. "Said the text" Note: "out of goods also from the out, from the buy." Sold in exchange for the currency, refers to the sale. And "buy" relative. With labor, skills or other exchange for money or status are sold, such as selling the country seeking Rong, sellers, sell themselves, life and so on. Sell as soon as possible to make efforts, such as hard, selling and so on. Show their ability to show off.
To sell (sell) to sell

1 条评论:

  1. "賣"or "售"這字原是英文sell----巴別塔時天下人的口音都一樣_聖經
