62 “舞”(无)是古人舞蹈的生动写照
舞 甲骨文象人手执条形饰物,双脚起舞之形。会意跳舞、舞动。《说文》注:“乐也。用足相背。从舛,无声。”“古文舞从羽亡。”卜辞指求雨祭祀之舞。舞义为舞蹈。引申挥动、飞翔、玩弄、耍弄、舞弊等。
舞Ⅰ(名) dance Ⅱ(动) ① dance ② move about as in a dance ③ dance with sth. in one’s hands ④ flourish; brandish
无 甲骨文无是舞之本字。后转注为无有之无。《说文》注:“亡也。从亡,无声。”本义亡失、没有,与“有”相对。作副词,表示否定,相当于“不”。作连词,表示条件,相当于“无论”“不论”。
无 [無]Ⅰ(名) nothing; nil Ⅱ(动) not have; there is not; without Ⅲ(副) not
古人的舞有那些类别?《周禮·春官·樂師》:凡舞,有帗舞,有羽舞,有皇舞,有旄舞,有干舞,有人舞。帗舞,是手持彩绸起舞;羽舞,是手持鸟的彩羽起舞;皇舞是一种中国的古代舞蹈形式, 最早进行皇舞的时代是周朝, 根据《周礼·舞师》记载, 舞者头上插著鸟羽,身穿翡翠羽衣,手执五彩鸟羽而舞,用以祈雨;旄舞,是手持旄牛尾起舞;干舞,是军舞,舞者手持军器“干”“盾”起舞;人舞,是指以人体的头、手、腰、臀、腿、指、趾各部协调配合起舞。
62 "dance" (no) is a vivid portrayal of the ancients dance
The art of the dragon and the elephant is the shape of the strip. Dancing and dancing. "Said the text" Note: "music also. With the foot back from the ill-fated, silent." "Ancient dance from the feathers." Bu listen to the rain ritual dance. Dance for dance. Promote waving, flying, playing, playing with, fraud and so on.
Dance dance (with) dance Ⅱ (move) ① dance ② move about as in a dance ③ dance with sth. In one's hands ④ flourish; brandish
No Oracle no dance of the word. After the note for the absence of no. "Said the text" Note: "death also from death, silent." The original meaning of death, no, and "yes" relative. As an adverb, deny, is equivalent to "no". As a conjunction, that conditions, the equivalent of "no matter" "regardless of".
No (no) I (name) nothing; nil Ⅱ (moving) not have; there is not; without Ⅲ (vice) not
What are the categories of ancients' dances? "Zhou Chun official music teacher": where the dance, there are dance, there are feather dance, there are imperial dance, dance, dance, some dance. Dance is a traditional Chinese dance form, the earliest era of imperial dance is the Zhou Dynasty, according to "Zhou dance division" records, the dance is a dance, Dancers head with birds feathers, wearing jade feathers, armed with colorful birds feathers dance, to pray for rain; dance, is holding 旄 旄 tail dance; dry dance, dance, dancers armed with "dry "Dance" refers to the human body's head, hands, waist, buttocks, legs, fingers, toe coordination with the dance.