
97 “徵”“征”“懲”“惩”,简化使字义混淆。 97 "Symbol" "campaign" "punishment" "惩", to simplify the meaning of confusion.

97  “徵”“征”“懲”“惩”,简化使字义混淆。
1  徵  徵是会意字。“壬”是指高处,上面的“山”在篆书中不是山,而是斜插的一杆带象徵形的飘带。双人旁指道路,反文旁是手持鞭形物。既指朝庭的徵召,又可指标示或象徵。徵也含有要求之意,《史記·貨殖傳》物賤之徵貴。《註》徵,求也,謂此處物賤,求彼貴賣之。《说文》注:“召也。从壬,从微省。壬微为徵,行于微而闻达者,即徵之。”徵即徵召、徵求,又指象征。
    ()①Symbol levy (troops);  call up; draft  levy (taxes); collect; impose  ask for; solicit () sign; 

2  征  甲骨文从邑,从止,旁加一通衢,示意出征。《说文》注:“正行也。从,正声。”征为正行,义为奉辞伐罪。引申远征、征讨、征伐、征集、征兵等。
 ()  go on a long journey  go on an expedition

3     懲是形声字。心为形符;徵为声符。《说文》注:“ 乂(下有心符也。从心,徵声。”惩是处治过失而引以为鉴戒。泛指责罚和警戒。
懲   () punish; penalize

4  惩  惩是形声字。心为形符;征为声符。惩是懲的简化字。懲是指处治过失而引以为鉴戒。惩应是征服其心,例如七擒孟获,它与懲罚、懲处的意思恰好相反。

97 "Symbol" "campaign" "punishment" "惩", to simplify the meaning of confusion.
1  Symbol are knowing the word. "Ren" refers to the height of the above "mountain" in the seal is not a mountain, but the oblique inserted with a symbol of the shape of the ribbon. Double next to the road, counter-text is a hand-held whip-shaped side. Not only refers to the court of the recruitment, but also indicate signs or symbols. Signs also contain the requirements of the meaning, "Historical Records Biography" Material of the Expensive. "Note" sign, seeking also, that material here cheap, ask him to sell expensive. "Said the text" Note: "Calls also from the Ren, from the micro-province." Micro-Wei for the levy, the line of micro-Wen Da who, that is levy. "Zhengxiao call for,
Levy (troops); call up; draft ② levy (taxes); collect; impose ③ ask for; solicit Ⅱ (名) sign; portent

2  campaign from Oracle, from the only, plus a thoroughfare, indicating off. "Said the text" Note: "is also the line. From Chuo, is the sound." Zheng Zheng line, justice for the bribe. Expedition expedition, conquest, conquest, collection, conscription and so on.
Go on a long journey ② go on an expedition

3  Punishment is phonetic. Heart for the character; sign for the sound. "Said the text" Note: "Yi (the next character) also. From the heart, Zhengsheng." Punishment is the treatment of fault and cited as warning. Refers to the punishment and warning.
Punish; punish;

4  惩   are phonetic characters. Heart for the character;campaign  for the sound. 惩 is the abbreviation of campaign. Punishment refers to the treatment of fault and cited as an example. 惩 should be conquered, for example, in the case of the Seven Mins, which is the opposite of punishment.

