
24 “龙”是中华民族的图腾 24 "Dragon" is the totem of the Chinese nation

24  “是中华民族的图腾   
《汉字解码学》24  “是中华民族的图腾。甲骨文字象一条龙的形象,线条生动而简洁。


 [] () ① dragon ② dragon as imperial symbol ③ a huge extinct reptile (dinosaur)


24 "Dragon" is the totem of the Chinese nation

"Decoding Chinese characters" 24 "Dragon" is the totem of the Chinese nation. Oracle "Dragon" word as a one-stop image, vivid lines and simple.

Dragon Oracle as the legendary dragon mouth rewinding shape. "Shuo Wen" Note: "Scale insects of the long, able to secluded, can be fine to giant, can be short to long, the vernal equinox and ascending, autumnal equinox and latent." From the meat, flying shape, Tong Sheng. The dragon is the legendary god of animals, ancient China as a symbol of the emperor. Biology refers to the ancient dinosaur.

Dragon [dragon] (名) ① dragon ② dragon as imperial symbol ③ a huge extinct reptile (dinosaur).

At present, the earliest Chinese dragon-shaped pattern comes from the Xinghaiwa culture Zhahai site about 8,000 years ago. It is located in Aohan, Inner Mongolia, near Fuxin, Liaoning. It is a pile of red-brown stones. Long, nearly 20 meters in length, nearly two meters wide, in the village center site within the square. Recently discovered with the seashells for the dragon, there are 6400 years of history.
"Wikipedia" Introduction: Legend of China's human ancestor Fu Xi, Nu Wa, who are the first person of the Dragon (or the snake who first), also known as "Dragon." The ancestor of the Chinese Yan Emperor, the Yellow Emperor, the legendary and the dragon has a close relationship, "Dragon Emperor Xuanyuan's dragon figure out of the river" ("bamboo secretary"), according to legend Yan Di for his mother "Dragon" After the red dragon. Thus the Chinese call themselves "descendants of the dragon."
Unlike the western dragon, the dragon of East Asia is a symbol of sacred auspiciousness. China's ancient totem, there are many dragon sculptures are clouds, flying nine days of the image. This is related to some folklore, which spread widely there are two: one argument is the dragon was originally a snake on the ground, after a very long time to collect the world aura and the essence of the sun and the moon, transformed into Kau, Kau and after Transformation is only a dragon, only in charge of wind and rain and flying ability; another argument is that the ancient sea has a door, called the goal. The gantry is large, large enough to see the whole picture. One day, a carp swim to the gantry was blocked, the carp wanted to skip the Dragon Gate to swim to other places. After numerous jumps, carp finally skip the gantry, but this time the carp has become another image, long body covered with scales, the head has two antlers as the angle, and grow 4 legs , As well as the eagle claw, on the ability to pass the sky, the next can submarine, and the ability to do anything they want. This legend was later turned into a "fishy goal" story.

Legend of the dragon can be hidden significantly, when the immortal spring, autumn when the potential Yuan. But also Xing Yu-induced rain and clouds. After the dragon became a symbol of imperial power, the emperor also known as the real dragon emperor, the palace is also used to decorate the dragon. Dragon was the ancestors of the Chinese ancestors worship, generally respect is still "dragon."

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  1. 此评论已被作者删除。

  2. 這"龍"(拼盤型生物表能力強大)原是"蛇"("Ser"_pen)出"H"後被改成Snake(沒腳),在台灣和中國南方常和 RA 左右出現在天際線上----巴別塔時天下人的口音都一樣_聖經
