
《汉字解码学》62 “舞”(无)是古人舞蹈的生动写照 "Dance" (no) is a vivid portrayal of the ancients dance.

62  “舞”(无)是古人舞蹈的生动写照。
() dance ()  dance  move about as in a dance  dance with sth. in ones hands  flourish; brandish

 []() nothing; nil () not have; there is not; without () not

古人的舞有那些类别?《周禮·春官·樂師》:凡舞,有帗舞,有羽舞,有皇舞,有旄舞,有干舞,有人舞。帗舞,是手持彩绸起舞;羽舞,是手持鸟的彩羽起舞;皇舞是一种中国的古代舞蹈形式, 最早进行皇舞的时代是周朝, 根据《周礼·舞师》记载, 舞者头上插著羽,身穿翡翠羽衣,手执五彩鸟羽而舞,用以祈;旄舞,是手持旄牛尾起舞;干舞,是军舞,舞者手持军器“干”“盾”起舞;人舞,是指以人体的头、手、腰、臀、腿、指、趾各部协调配合起舞。

62 "Dance" (no) is a vivid portrayal of the ancients dance.
Dance oracle bone like a person holding a bar-shaped ornaments, dance-shaped feet. Knowing dancing, dancing. "Said the text" Note: "Music also. With the opposite foot. From the mistaken, silent." "Ancient dance from the feather death." Oracle inscriptions indicate the rain dance. Dance for the dance. Extended waving, flying, playing with, juggling, fraud and so on.
Dance (a) (b) dance (move) ① dance ② move about as in a dance ③ dance with sth. In one's hands ④ flourish; brandish

What types of dance do the ancients have? "Zhou Chun official musicians": Where dance, dance, dance, a feather dance, there are imperial dance, dance, dance, there are dry dance, it was dance. Dance is a hand-held color silk dance; feather dance, the bird is holding the color feather dance; imperial dance is a form of ancient Chinese dance, the earliest imperial dance is the Zhou Dynasty, according to "Zhou Dance" records, Dancers dancing with a bird feathers, dressed in jade feathers, holding a colorful bird feathers and dance, to pray for rain; dance, is holding a dagger dance; dry dance, military dance, dancers armed holding "dry "Shield" dance; dance, refers to the body's head, hands, waist, buttocks, legs, fingers, toes with the ministries dance.

附录:     甲骨文“”是舞之本字。后转注为无有之无。《说文》注:“亡也。从亡,无声。”本义亡失、没有,与“有”相对。作副词,表示否定,相当于“不”。作连词,表示条件,相当于“无论”“不论”。

 []() nothing; nil () not have; there is not; without () not

 no Oracle "no" is the dance of the word. After the note for the non-none. "Shuo Wen" Note: "Death is also from the death, silent." The original meaning of loss, not, and "there" relative. As an adverb, deny, the equivalent of "no." As a conjunction, that condition, the equivalent of "regardless" "regardless".

Nil II (动) not have; there is not; without III (副) not;

