
45 "踏"是形声字,也是会意字.以足沓水,舂米复捣. 45 "step" is the phonetic word, but also knowing the word to Da foot water, Chung rice complex pound.

45  "踏"是形声字,也是会意字.以足沓水,舂米复捣.
  踏是形声字,也是会意字(以足沓水)。石(或足)为形符;沓为声符。《说文》注: “舂已,复捣曰踏。从石,沓声。”本指舂米,舂毕再捣就叫踏。作形容词,指态度实在(踏实),不浮躁,(情绪)安定。
 ()set foot on; step (on); stamp; tread

45 "step" is the phonetic word, but also knowing the word to Da foot water, Chung rice complex pound.
Tread is the phonetic word, but also knowing the word (in order to foot water). Stone (or foot) for the character; "Said the text" Note: "Chung has, complex tread said riding. From the stone, chorus." This refers to Chung rice, Chung and then pound is called step. As an adjective, that attitude is (practical), not impetuous, (emotional) stability.

    Set foot on; step (on); stamp;

